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Problems Of Formation Of The Enterprise Digital Security System

Table 3:

An approach Definition
(Amoroso, 2019) SS – a hardware system that prevents unauthorised intrusion into a premises, and reports such attempts or a similar software system that prevents unauthorised access
(, 2019) SB is a generic name for systems that protect access to private information or the inviolability of private property. The security system can be quite physical – in the form of alarms, video cameras, a security call console, security too – or completely virtual – a firewall, antivirus, passwords, encrypted connection and other protection
(Dialog Group of Companies, 2019) SB is a set of interrelated organizational measures (measures, methods) and technical means, combined by communication channels, and ensuring the maintenance of a safe condition of the object, detection and elimination of the most complete list (complex) of threats to life, health, the environment, property and information and having common means of collecting and processing information and management.
(Retail-loyalty, 2019) SB is a combination of means and methods of maintaining the safe state of an object, preventing, detecting and eliminating threats to life, health and the environment, property and information.
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