Indicator |
2018 |
Scenario № 1 |
Change, percent |
Revenue |
10 121209 |
10 121209 |
0 |
Costprice |
9478406 |
9 478406 |
0 |
Grossprofit |
642803 |
642803 |
0 |
Commercialexpenses |
415091 |
415091 |
0 |
Administrativeexpenses |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Profit (loss) on sales |
227712 |
227712 |
0 |
Interestreceivable |
233 |
233 |
0 |
Interestpayable |
97999 |
202857.93 |
107 |
Otherincome |
4999 |
4999 |
0 |
Otherexpenses |
11227 |
11227 |
0 |
Profit (loss) beforetax |
123718 |
18859.07 |
–84.76 |
Profittax |
24995 |
3 810.14 |
–84.76 |
Change in deferred tax liabilities |
16 |
16 |
0 |
Change deferred tax assets |
–115 |
–115 |
0 |
Etc |
–15 |
–15 |
Net profit (loss) of the reporting period |
98609 |
14934.98 |
–84.85 |