Importance Factors of Foreign Guests Perceptions on SMEs Hotel's Service in Malaysia
Table 2:
Age | Total Respondents | Total Percentage |
<25years | 133 | 33.4 |
26-35 | 167 | 42.0 |
36-45 | 80 | 20.1 |
46 and above | 18 | 4.5 |
Total | 398 | 100.0 |
Age | Total Respondents | Total Percentage |
<25years | 133 | 33.4 |
26-35 | 167 | 42.0 |
36-45 | 80 | 20.1 |
46 and above | 18 | 4.5 |
Total | 398 | 100.0 |