It provides for a lowdissemination rate of thecircularity concept. Traditionaleconomic priorities focused onthe fuel and energy sector arepreserved. External impacts,including investment, have a lowincentive to grow the circulareconomy. Ecological innovationsare financed on the residualprinciple. The state of theenvironment and naturalresources is graduallydeteriorating. Society has verylittle understanding of theconcept of sustainabledevelopment and the latestdevelopments in the circulareconomy. Low level ofintroducing ecologically correctbehavior in the everyday life ofthe population. |
There is an active technicalmodernization of productionaccording to BAT in the field ofcircular economy. There is agrowing business initiative,circular services, digitaleconomy, stable social andeconomic growth, generating anincrease in consumer activity.The scientific and educationalpotential of the region steadilydemonstrates positive dynamics,which generates an increase inthe volume of investments andinnovations considering theconcept of circular economy.Along with a healthy lifestyle, acompetent and responsibleecological consumption is takingroot in a society oriented towardsthe hierarchical sector. |
The circulating economy isbecoming the main priority inregional development. Newproduction facilities are beingestablished at an acceleratedpace, based on the circularparadigm of closed loops. Thereis the formation of effectivecircular models of business andpublic administration. It createsnew jobs and increases the realincomes of the population. Thishas resulted in the overcoming ofthe ecological crisis with regardto the environment and naturalresources, the creation ofSPNAs, and the expansion ofeco-tourism. The infrastructure isdeveloping in line withecological standards and circulareco-urbanism. The highecological initiative of membersof society. |