Cluster name
Main descriptive characteristics
1st cluster"M" |
It is the second smallest cluster, which has a high level of circular economydevelopment. Subjects-regions have a high potential for intensifying the growth rate ofthe circular medium. There is a conscious ecological maturity of the society with anactive public position. |
2nd cluster"BA" |
There are obvious prerequisites for learning the concept of circular economy, there is aslight decrease in the influence of classical economic factors. There is an active workon ecological education of the population, the level of circular economy development isdescribed as "below average". |
3rd cluster"L" |
The smallest cluster, which includes four subjects with a low level of circular economy.There has been a first interest in the concept of circularity, perhaps signifying thebeginning of preparatory work for a full-scale circular development program. |
4th cluster"N" |
The regions have obvious difficulties with the effectiveness of the proposedprogrammes in the circularity field. Ecological and economic activity of the populationis relatively low. Economic interests prevail in strategic development. Presumably,there is a loss of systemic stability of regions with extremely undesirable destabilizingconsequences in development. |
5th cluster"A" |
It is the most numerous cluster education with an average level of circular economydevelopment. In fact, there is a balance of the classical triad of stability. Nevertheless,subjects are in a relatively vulnerable position and the nature of managerial decisionsdetermines the further trajectory of their socio-economic development. There is aclearly formed view of the perspectives for the development of the circular economy,popularization of the new concept, and the way of functioning in the region. |
6th cluster"AA" |
The level of development of circular economy is assessed as "above average", with aphase of active formation of strategic priorities. Acceleration of the transition to R-impertitives of circularity requires improving the efficiency of all elements of theregional system. |
7th cluster"M" |
Subjects-regions have the maximum level of circular economy development achievedas of 2019. Their territory has unique natural and territorial components that providerelatively favorable ecological conditions, reducing the direct costs of anthropogenicimpact as a result of economic activity of society; regions with relatively low levels ofeconomic activity. We should note that these values are not benchmarks and there is aneed for active stimulation for further growth. |