Organizational And Administrative Aspects Of Russian Education Modernization


The study of organizational and administrative foundations of Russian education modernization is the topical issue of higher education pedagogy. The article deals with the organizational and substantive changes of the pedagogical education; they are innovative in the frame of education modernization. The subject of Russian education modernization is considered in terms of the innovation principle and revealed through introduction of new technologies. The authors describe distant learning technologies, interactive forms, projects methods and methods that allow to simulate real pedagogical situations when studying at the University, as well as innovative educational programs that have appeared due to labor market requirements. The conclusion states that in order to achieve the goals and tasks, it is necessary to revise the content of general science, general professional and special training of future teachers, based on the unity, interrelation and traditional and innovative training methods that depend on each other. The revision should be based on modeling and research activities.

Keywords: Education modernizationfuture teacherpedagogical university


The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020 focuses on the bringing up of a new generation of students-researchers, who are focused on the needs of an innovative knowledge economy. Education is one of the most important indexes of successful socialization, identification and life of each citizen in a multicultural society (Salpykova & Politaeva, 2016).

The study of Russian education modernization problem is one of the leading tasks of higher education pedagogy. Today modern pedagogical education requires organizational and substantive changes, which should be manifested in the innovative nature of education.

Information competence formation among future teachers plays centre stage. It is considered as a qualitative characteristic of professional activity in education, and as a set of specific knowledge and information skills related to the concept of information. It embodies ideas about ways and means of storing, processing and transmitting information, and represents the development of the person as a subject of this activity.

The research is relevant due to the need to improve the quality of students training in modern social and educational conditions. The study aims at defining graduate and postgraduate education programs content.

Problem Statement

Currently, the following trends in the social development of the Republic of Bashkortostan are noted:

  • inclusion in globalization processes, which creates tension between multidirectional trends in social development;

  • diversity and intensity of social interactions are increasing;

  • basic social ideas about the institution of the family are transformed;

  • personal competencies regarding the social structure are rapidly changing;

  • social demand for competitive educational programs;

  • systemic interaction of the higher education industry with professional communities aimed at solving urgent problems.

Research Questions

Education modernization is “the process of formation of the ability to constantly and successfully adapt to changing conditions and tasks, to create new educational institutions, to modify the old ones, paving the way for an effective dialogue between society and the state, defining a new type of interaction in the field of education" (Gavrov, 2004, p. 10).

The modern strategy of higher pedagogical education is focused on "training specialists with a high level of competence, which is the key to success in professional activity, because it provides demand in the labor market. The priority task is to integrate education, science and management, to blur the boundaries between education and business, to borrow the best business practices, to learn at site, not at desk; this allows us to consider modern educational processes as an activity that implies the unity of the processes of creation, development and application of pedagogical innovations (Politaeva, 2015).

The nature of Russian education modernization is justified by the need to create new conditions and new ways of organizing different types of activities so that future educational specialists can create their own way and individual trajectory of their own life-building in accordance with the requirements of the time. The formation of a deep, integral worldview is carried out on the basis of spiritual and moral teachings (Murzina, 2018; Savelyeva & Yakovleva, 2016; Shuranov & Levina, 2019; Vakhidova, Gabitova, & Ivanov, 2018; Yangirova & Savelyeva, 2017).

The innovativeness of educational practice is based on the leading principles of socio-educational, practice-oriented, subject-oriented approaches, as well as methods of special thinking improvement and project approaches. The modern pedagogical activity is organized within the framework of the indicated problem and oriented to all educational subjects.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this article is to explain and describe the organizational and administrative modernization of Russian education in the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla (Ufa, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia): to integrate and coordinate the educational, scientific, methodological and socio-cultural resources in the field of pedagogical education in a unified socio-cultural environment, to ensure the interaction of educational organizations, cultural and art institutions, social partners in order to effectively implement public policy in socio-cultural activities.

Research Methods

To achieve this goal the following methods of scientific knowledge were used: empirical study methods, which are necessary to verify the identified aspects of Russian education modernization.


The Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla created an innovative model that provides organizational and functional, content and methodical support of the subject-educational space.

They created conditions for professional competencies formation and future teachers labor functions;

Cultural and leisure areas were created in order to develop children's emotional, social intelligence and individual creative abilities. For example, the Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology created Kotoffkids Children Development Center. It actively operates nowadays.

Our University found the courses of professional training and advanced training for specialists of various professional systems are organized.

Master programs based on the integration of departments (the Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology, the Department of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, etc.) were developed and are functioning. There are Management in Education and Culture master's program in the direction of Pedagogical Education, as well as Personnel Management in Educational Organization inter-institute master's program (Institute of Pedagogy, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Institute of Intercultural Communication), etc.

The Institute of Pedagogy found a conceptual idea and transformed into to the University 3.0 format - this is the psychological and pedagogical support of family and childhood. It made the institute as a unit, preserving the individuality and specificity of the scientific and educational interests of each of the five departments.

Research directions on the basis of the Institute of Pedagogy correspond to Strategies for the Scientific and Technological Development of Russia program directions: creation of own competence centers, emphasis on private companies growing - technological leaders (such as KotoffKids Child Development Center Student Competency Development Centers, Terra Astras, Center for Professional Pedagogical Competencies, Inclusive Center, Enzhe Center for Music and Choreography Art.

At the Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology, 12 innovative experimental sites are operating on the basis of the preschool educational establishment in the city of Ufa and the Republic. At the Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education launched 3 innovative experimental sites based on local schools, as well as marketing activities of the department (Yangirova, 2019).

The Department of Special Pedagogy and Psychology cooperates with public organizations on contractual basis: They are All-Russian Society of the Blind, the All-Russian Society of the Deaf, the Unity Foundation for the Support of Deaf-Blind, the Assistance Regional Public Organization of Parents of Children with Disabilities, etc. The authorities the Department cooperate with are: Ministry of Education; Ministry of Culture; Ministry of Health, Educational Departments of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

At the departments of music education, students improve in the process of self-cognition, transformation, self-determination, self-expression.

Innovative educational activity brought up new forms of activity: project and research activities and participation in forums , such as the Tavrida All-Russian Youth Educational Forum, The Heritage of the Urals International Ethnic Forum, the Baltic Artek All-Russian Youth Educational Forum, iVolga Youth Forum, and others. The main goal of the forums is to create a communicative environment with the resources of public and state structures, the business community and other institutions supporting youth initiatives, promoting the self-actualization of young people, increasing their competencies and skills, and increasing human capital.

Another work area is: socialization of people of the third age by means of art . Together with the Institute of Third Age, we arranged courses for adults in dance art and singing in the choir. More than 60 people have been trained.

The world cultural heritage should become another target in the practice-oriented training of future music teachers. Gifted Children of Russia All-Russian Festival-Competition is a unique project of the Department of Music Education and Choreographic Art. Annually it gathers more than 2,000 children.

Professional skills competitions for teachers are organized annually . These competitions can be considered as a stage of teachers' professionalism improvment, as an open mass pedagogical competition of teachers.

In general, there are several important areas where teachers can show their administrative skills:

  • coordination of students in conducting a modern lesson, when each of them solves problems in accordance with an individual educational trajectory;

  • organization of integrated training events to stimulate the achievement of meta-subject learning outcomes;

  • development of educational activities in accordance with the interests and needs of students;

  • networking with parents and inclusion of parents in the educational process;

  • joint activities with educational and cultural institutions.

The school is transformed from a conservative, inflexible organization into a modern, open and transparent one that meets the challenges and requirements of the time.

One of the promising forms of stimulating students is the work of a volunteer team. There are several reasons for this:

  • ultimate motivation of students, since they independently determine an interesting field of activity for themselves;

  • ultimate freedom of choice of strategies and work tactics;

  • the opportunity to try themselves in different roles due to an unstable hierarchy, where the roles of leaders and subordinates are constantly changing.

A similar team was formed at the Department of Theories and Methods of Primary Education. The purpose of the team’s activity is to conduct social and creative activities aimed at the social rehabilitation of children and adolescents living in orphanages, elderly people and people with disabilities (Savelyeva, 2014).

There is no centralized management in the team, the teacher is assigned with the role of a curator, while the main decisions are made by the students themselves. To work out each task, an asset is allocated that distributes roles.

The presented examples show that the formation of administrative skills occurs in the process of joint activities of students and teachers.


The following pedagogical conditions are fundamental to the successful implementation of the foundations of modernization in the educational process:

  • mastering the knowledge system, representing a holistic education and characterized by such qualities as criticality and speed of mind, facility, dynamism, adaptability, stability, continuity, mobility;

  • mastering new educational technologies by teachers;

  • creating an educational environment in a university that provides students with freedom, responsibility, independence, prospects;

  • creating a dialogue between representatives of various social groups for students;

  • inclusion of students in educational interactive technologies that ensure implementation of their ideas, independence, activity, positioning;

Thus, the process of modernization of education itself will be effective if it is considered in the context of innovativeness, reflecting the modern realities of society, the search for new trends, the formation of new and strengthening existing values.


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Publication Date

15 November 2020

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Teacher, teacher training, teaching skills, teaching techniques, special education, children with special needs, computer-aided learning (CAL)

Cite this article as:

Levina, I., Politaeva, T., Savelyeva, E., & Yangirova, V. (2020). Organizational And Administrative Aspects Of Russian Education Modernization. In I. Murzina (Ed.), Humanistic Practice in Education in a Postmodern Age, vol 93. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1190-1195). European Publisher.