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Purpose And Prospects Of The Project "Multilingual Associative Thesaurus Of Politeness"

Table 2:

Responses to the cue word amico (friend) The amount of female responses The amount of male responses Total amount of responses
fiducia (trust) 11 3 12
tesoro (treasure) 7 3 8
nemico (enemy) 6 3 7
compagnia (company) 4 3 7
fedeltà (fidelity) 4 3 7
mio (my) 1 3 4
amica (friend) 3 1 4
fedele (faithful) 2 2 4
legame (bond) 2 1 3
gioia (joy) 2 1 3
buono (good) 1 1 2
amore (love) 2 2
lealtà (loyalty) 2 2
Anna 2 2
casa (home) 2 2
caro (dear) 2 2
aiuto (help) 1 1 2
famiglia (family) 2 2
affetto (affection) 2 2
complice (partner in crime) 1 1 2
simpatico (nice) 1 1 2
documentario (documentary) 1 1 2
cane (dog) 2 2
youtube 1 1 2
arte (art) 1 1
cuore (heart) 1 1
felice (happy) 1 1
risate (laughs) 1 1
felicità (happiness) 1 1
uscire (go out) 1 1
bene (well) 1 1
amicizia (friendship) 1 1
fratello (brother) 1 1
migliore (best) 1 1
fraterno (fraternal) 1 1
Mirco 1 1
gioco (game) 1 1
niente (nothing) 1 1
Cinzia 1 1
Sara 1 1
guerra (war) 1 1
Elena 1 1
gustativo (gustatory) 1 1
verde (green) 1 1
ilmioragazzo (my boyfriend) 1 1
infanzia (childhood) 1 1
birra (beer) 1 1
Total 82 32 107
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