Historical (mythical and real) time |
Calendar (astronomic) time |
Abstract (mythical) time |
The East End of the Empire «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (111) |
Morning «Temno-sinee utro v zaindevevshej rame...» (Dark blue morning in the Frozen frame) (103) |
Future «…i pri slove "gryaduschee" iz russkogo yazyka» (…and the word “future” of the Russian language) (109) |
Provinces «Ty zabyla derevnyu, zaterynnuyu v bolotah» (Have you forgotten the village lost in the swamps) (101) |
Midnight «Tihotvorenie moe, moe nemoe» (My silent poem) (102) |
In thousands of years « Eto - ryad nablyudenij. V uglu - teplo» (A list of observations. The corner is warmer) (94) |
Ordu «Uznayu etot veter, naletauschij na travu» (I recognize this wind battering the limp grass) (93) |
Night «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (111) |
Second «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (114) |
Shiraz «Ya ne to chto shozhu s uma, no ustal za leto...» (Not that I am losing my grip: I am just tired of summer) (110) |
At midday «Esli chto-nibud’ pet’, to peremenu vetra» (If anything sing, the change of the wind) (108) |
Old «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (123) |
Almighty Shah «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (111) |
Today «Derevyannyj laokoon, sbrosiv na vremya goru s…» (Wooden Laocoon, for a while casting offthe mountain) (96) |
In the future «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (114) |
New England «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (117) |
Tomorrow «Derevyannyj laokoon, sbrosiv na vremya goru s…» (Wooden Laocoon, for a while casting offthe mountain) (96) |
What time is it? «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (126) |
Amphitheater «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (120) |
December «Dekabr’ vo Florentsii» (December in Florence) (127) |
In minutes « Dekabr’ vo Florentsii» (December in Florence) (127) |
Parthenon «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (119) |
Summer «Ya ne to chto shozhu s uma, no ustal za leto...» (Not that I am losing my grip: I am just tired of summer) (110) |
Leisure time «Dekabr’ vo Florentsii» (December in Florence) (130) |