Geographic (toponimically organized) space |
Localized space |
Indefinite-personal space |
Shiraz «Ya ne to chto shozhu s uma, no ustal za leto...» (Not that I am losing my grip: I am just tired of summer) (110) |
Yard «Zamorozki na pochve i oblysenie lesa» (Frost on the soil and forests baldness) (105) |
The place I dwell in «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (123) |
Dakota «Esli chto-nibud’ pet’, to peremenu vetra» (If anything sing, the change of the wind) (108) |
Palace «Dekabr’ vo Florentsii» (December in Florence) (129) |
Planet «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (123) |
Foluage «Ya ne to chto shozhu s uma, no ustal za leto...» (Not that I am losing my grip: I am just tired of summer) (110) |
Old bridge «Dekabr’ vo Florentsii» (December in Florence) (127) |
Paradise «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (123) |
Cellini «Dekabr’ vo Florentsii» (December in Florence) (128) |
Train «Dekabr’ vo Florentsii» (December in Florence) (128) |
Hell «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (126) |
Africa «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (122) |
Summerhouse «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (122) |
By the ocean «Okolo okeana, pri svete svechi; vokrug…» (Near the ocean, in the candlelight glow…) (100) |
Europe «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (122) |
Garden «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (115) |
Far ends of the world «S tochki zreniya vozdukha, kraj zemli...» (From the viewpoint of air, the end of the earth is everywhere…) (104) |
USA «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (116) |
House «Vsegda ostaetsya vozmozhnost’ vyjti iz domu na...» (There is always the opportunity to go out on street) (106) |
In a foreign land «Uznayu etot veter, naletauschij na travu» (I recognize this wind battering the limp grass) (93) |
Florence «Dekabr’ vo Florentsii» (December in Florence) (127) |
City «Dekabr’ vo Florentsii» (December in Florence) (127) |
To far away places «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) стр. (125) |
North « Sever kroshit metall, no shadit steklo» (The North buckles metal, glass it won’t harm) (92) |
Corner «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (111) |
The farthest corner of the world «S tochki zreniya vozdukha, kraj zemli...» (From the viewpoint of air, the end of the earth is everywhere…) (104) |
South «V gorodke, iz kotorogo smert’ raspolzlas’ po shkol’noj karte...» (In the town, from which the death is spreading along the school map) (99) |
Terrace « Eto - ryad nablyudenij. V uglu - teplo» (A list of observations. The corner is warmer) (94) |
From one of the five continents «Niotkuda s lubov’u, nadtsatogo martobrya» (From nowhere with love, on the -eenth of Marchember) (91) |
Sea world «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (123) |
Basement «Ty zabyla derevnyu, zaterynnuyu v bolotah» (Have you forgotten the village lost in the swamps) (101) |
Empty space «Ty zabyla derevnyu, zaterynnuyu v bolotah» (Have you forgotten the village lost in the swamps) (101) |
Mountains «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (123) |
Empire «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (111) |
Space «Ya rodilsya i vyros v baltijskih bolotah, podle» (I was born and grew up in the Baltic marshlandby» (97) |
Cape «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (111) |
Boulevard «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (115) |
Air «S tochki zreniya vozdukha, kraj zemli...» (From the viewpoint of air, the end of the earth is everywhere…) (104) |
Asia «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (122) |
District court «Kolybel’naya treskovogo mysa» (Lullaby of Cape Cod) (115) |
Water «Eto - ryad nablyudenij. V uglu - teplo» (A list of observations. The corner is warmer) (94) |