Items |
Factor loadings |
23. I believe I’m a figure of authority for him (her). |
.64 |
24. I like our relationship |
.76 |
30. I believe I understand him (her). |
.64 |
31. I would like to change many things about him (her). (R) |
–.63 |
36. I believe that, in general, I’m raising my son (daughter) well. |
.60 |
42. I like his (her) temper. |
.66 |
45. He (she) and I disagree on very many issues (R) |
–.67 |
47. (s)he shares the majority of my views. |
.60 |
54. I welcome his (her) behavior. |
.71 |
55. I frequently express my dissatisfaction with him (her). (R) |
–.60 |
60. I want him (her) to always have the same feelings for me as (s)he does now |
.70 |