Main elements |
Content and types |
The core of the logical structure of road construction activities |
Purpose |
The main goals of the implementation of road construction activities. Quantitative (increase in the number of construction, repair, operation and maintenance of road construction objects; maximization of profit; increase in market share, etc.). High-quality (tender activity, PPP, effective cooperation with contractors, etc.). |
Strategy |
Formation of own road-building strategy or selection of an existing road-building strategy (lean, dynamic, minimizing the overall logistics costs, improving the quality of the logistics service, minimizing investments in logistics infrastructure, logistics outsourcing, etc.). |
Subject |
Service logistics divisions and departments of road-building enterprises, specialized service logistics intermediaries, intermediaries with a full cycle of logistics service maintenance, etc. |
Object |
Consumer of logistics services (individuals, legal entities), inventory items of the road construction industry. |
Subject (products, work, services, service) |
Logistic services, additional logistics services, integrated logistics services for road construction processes. |
Methods |
Methods of organizing road-building processes (sequential, parallel, in-line, etc.) and their logistics component. |
Ways to carry out activities |
Independent organization and implementation of logistics service activities, logistics service outsourcing, service of logistics operators, etc. |
Means |
Digital means of logistic service, technical means of logistic service, technological means of logistic service, labor, information, organizational, financial, etc. |
Processes |
Aimed at the field of logistics of road construction: providing, functional, operational.By nature: managerial, coordinating, controlling, optimizing, etc. |
Logistic optimization direction |
Reducing construction time, minimizing the duration of road construction works, minimizing the timing of certain types of work, minimizing the construction cost of a road facility, minimizing the cost of operating and maintaining a road facility, maximizing labor productivity, increasing the quality level of road building work, monitoring and controlling the implementation of road -building processes and other areas of logistics optimization. |
Result |
Ready-made road construction facility that meets the stated requirements, with optimized logistic parameters. |
Assessment |
Assessment of the logistics service provided. |
Temporary structure of road construction activities |
Stages of road construction activity |
The initial, main, final stages of road construction activities. |
Steps of road construction activities |
Designing the organization of road construction activities, the direct implementation of road construction works. |
Characteristics of road construction activities |
Features of the organizing activities |
Features of the organization of the construction of road facilities; repair and reconstruction of road facilities; maintenance and operation of road facilities, roadside territories, and organization of roadside service. |
Terms of implementation |
State, corporate, PPP, economic, financial, labor, information, etc. |
Standards and requirements for road construction activities |
Normative legal acts regulating road construction activities, standards, Construction Norms and Regulations, contracts, rules, labor protection requirements, safety requirements, environmental standards etc. |