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Positive Thinking Is The Name Of The Game

Table 3:

Time X Groups Time Groups
Control Exper
Eta2 F(1,89) Eta2 F(1,89) After Before After Before Variables
.07 *6.37 .13 ***13.19 3.48 3.86 4.03 4.08 M Motivation
.95 .65 .61 .44 SD
.04 *4.00 .00 .62 4.03 4.22 4.14 4.05 M Esteem
.63 .67 .58 .62 SD
.04 *3.97 .00 .00 3.95 4.07 4.08 3.96 M Efficacy
.80 .63 .53 .59 SD
.07 ***7.03 .30 2.78 4.3 4.39 4.52 4.21 M Supteacher
.71 .51 .47 .72 SD
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