Question |
Answer option number 1 |
Answer option number 2 |
Answer option number 3 |
1. Does Your company maintain environmental records of its activities? |
Yes |
No |
Difficult to answer |
2. Has a specialized structural unit been formed for environmental accounting and non-financial reporting? |
Yes. Describe the composition of the staff of the unit and its place in the organizational structure of the company |
No. If the answer to the first question of the questionnaire is positive, describe which departments in the company are responsible for environmental accounting |
Difficult to answer |
3. How often is the analysis of data on the impact of your company on the environment is carried out? |
At least quarterly |
At least annually |
Not implemented systematically |
4. Is there a financial accounting of environmental objects in your company, for example, investments or expenses? |
Yes. Describe examples of these operations. |
No. Describe the reasons for the lack of accounting for such transactions. |
Difficult to answer |
5. Do you use environmental cost management tools in your company? |
Yes. What? Briefly describe them. |
No. Indicate the reasons for the lack of practice of such tools. |
Difficult to answer |
6. Is information about the company's environmental risks systematized? |
Yes. How is it analyzed, systematized and accumulated? |
No. Indicate the reasons for the lack of such practice. |
Difficult to answer |
7. Is your company preparing non-financial statements? |
Yes. What kind of report is used in this case? |
No |
Difficult to answer |