Item No. |
Activities |
Competencies to be developed(UC – universal competence.GPC – general professional competence) |
Result |
1. |
Interactive lectures with the use of materials from the personal files of the teacher on the topic studied in the “History of Foreign Literature” subject. For example, photos from literary museums of different countries, photos of monuments to writers, programs of attended performances based on works of the authors studied. |
UC-5 is able to perceive the intercultural diversity of society in the sociohistorical, ethical, and philosophical contexts.GPC-4 is able to ensure the moral education of students based on basic national valuesGPC-8 is able to carry out teaching activities based on special scientific knowledge |
An expansion in their general outlook, the development of tolerance to cultural and mental differences of representatives of different countries can be observed in students. During the teaching internship, students actively used the obtained information in test and scoring classes. |
2. |
Visiting the museums of the city of Yakutsk: the National Art Museum, the M.F. Gabyshev Gallery of Foreign Art, the Museum “Russia – My History,” the E.M. Yaroslavsky local history museum. Visiting theaters: the A.S. Pushkin State Academic Russian Drama Theater, the D.K. Sivtsev – Suorun Omolloon Opera and Ballet Theater, the P.A. Oiunsky Sakha Academic Theater. |
UC-5 is able to perceive the intercultural diversity of society in the sociohistorical, ethical, and philosophical contexts.GPC-3 is able to organize joint and individual learning and educational activities of students, including those with special educational needs, in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards. |
Expansion of the content of additional esthetic education of students, aimed at the development of their esthetic culture and emotional intelligence.Improved quality of students’ knowledge in local history and history of the country and region. |
3. |
Meetings with foreign teachers. |
UC-4 is able to carry out business communication in oral and written forms using state language of the Russian Federation and foreign language(s)GPC-6 is able to use psychological and pedagogical methods in professional activities, necessary for the individualization of training, development, education, including students with special educational needs |
Development of specific knowledge and skills in the field of methods of teaching foreign languages and educational science.Development of moral value systems in terms of interethnic concord.Development of communication skills, increasing motivation to learn the profession of a teacher. |
4. |
Organization of extracurricular activities. For example, a visit to the Botanical Garden of the Institute of Biological Problems of the Cryolithozone of the SB RAS, trips to the historical places of the suburbs of Yakutsk to study the history of the region. |
UC-3 is able to carry out social interaction and implement its role in the team.GPC-7 is able to interact with the participants of educational relations within the framework of the implementation of educational programs |
Development of the ability to interact successfully in a team, the development of leadership qualities.Improving the quality of students’ knowledge in local history and the history of the country and region.Development of the ability to think within the scope of environmental safety. |
5. |
Meetings with Russian-speaking Yakut writers A. Ambrosiev, D. Mikhailov, as well as well-known Russian writers A. Gelasimov, D. Glukhovsky, M. Kucherskaya, and others. |
UC-1 is capable of searching, critical analysis, and synthesis of information, applying a systematic approach to complete the tasks set. |
Improving the skills of critical analysis and synthesis of the information received.Broadening horizons. Creating a system of moral values.Development of emotional sensibility of beauty. |
6. |
Organization of student stage performances based on famous works of Russian and foreign classics with the subsequent upload of videos to the university YouTube channel. |
UC-2 is able to determine the range of tasks within the framework of the goal set and choose the best ways to achieve them, based on the existing legal regulations, available resources, and restrictionsUC-3 is able to carry out social interaction and implement its role in the team. |
Involving students in individual, group, and collective project activities.Development of students’ ability to apply information and communication technology in solving educational and professional tasks.Formation of esthetic sense, development of imagination and thinking. |
7. |
Organization of the “Cookery Book” cooking contest for students to get acquainted with the national dishes of the countries of the studied language. |
UC-5 is able to perceive the intercultural diversity of society in the sociohistorical, ethical, and philosophical contexts. |
Development of creative language activities of students, the ability to analyze independently the country-specific literature and express their own judgments. |
8. |
Every year on the school takeover day, bachelors and undergraduates of the Faculty of Philology hold lectures with first-year students from different faculties and institutes of NEFU, aiming to encourage them to think about the benefits of reading, getting acquainted with the “100 books” list. In 2018, Institute of Natural Sciences, Institute of Medicine, Institute of Languages and Culture of the Peoples of the North-East of the Russian Federation, Institute of Foreign Philology and Regional Studies were visited. Coverage: 172 students. Lecture topics: N.S. Leskov: biography, the image of a nihilist in Russian literature; F.M. Dostoevsky: biography, the novel “Idiot.” Contemporary literature (the film adaptation of works of art). The influence of the lyrics by G.G. Byron on the work of A.S. Pushkin. “The Captain’s Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin and the novel “Ivanhoe” by W. Scott (a genre of a historical novel). The life and work of A.P. Chekhov, interesting facts, analysis of the short story “Misery.” Psychologism in literature through the works of F.M. Dostoevsky, facts from the life and work of the writer. |
UC-6 is able to manage its time, build and implement a self-development trajectory based on the principles of lifelong education.GPC-4 is able to ensure the moral education of students on the basis of fundamental national valuesGPC-8 is able to carry out teaching activities based on special scientific knowledge |
Development of skills of independent work, initiative.Adaptation to the future profession.Establishing contact with students which leads to the improvement of communicative competence.The ability to ensure the moral education of students based on the best examples of classical literature. |
9. |
The “Joint Internet” project with students from different countries (Norway, USA), aimed at developing the skills of foreign language writing and intercultural communication. Relevant topics for communication are highlighted: sights of your city, free time, favorite movies, and musical compositions, happy and sad moments of your life. |
UC-3 is able to carry out social interaction and implement its role in the team.UC-4 is able to carry out business communication in oral and written forms using state language of the Russian Federation and foreign language(s) |
Increased number of students engaged in research and projects.Development of students’ ability to apply information and communication technology in solving educational and professional tasks.Development of skills of foreign language writing and intercultural communication. |
10. |
The mentors organize meetings with psychologists at the Center for Practical Psychology at NEFU on the topics: “Team building,” “Time Management,” “How to cope with stress before exams,” “Team building.” |
UC-3 is able to carry out social interaction and implement its role in the teamGPC-6 is able to use psychological and pedagogical methods in professional activities, necessary for the individualization of training, development, education, including students with special educational needs |
Development of rational planning skills.Developing the ability to work in a team.Best adaptation of the individual to the surrounding community, the optimal organization of activities in a team. |