System solutions |
Brief description of the solution |
“Digital” field (precise agriculture) |
Graphic display and marking of land on geographical maps, land inventory using UAVs, creating orthophotos with accurate geo-referencing to the terrain, maps of the fields of the enterprise, which can be used to solve a huge range of external and internal tasks. Crop/agricultural work monitoring systems. Control over changes in the state of sowing in various areas within the field according to remote sensing (earth remote sensing), (pictures taken from space, aerial photography done by UAVs, unmanned aerial vehicles). Application of a strictly defined amount of fertilizers and seeds to different areas of the same field, depending on the condition of the soil and crops. Automatic monitoring of yields, mapping yield levels for each field, and in future – profitability maps. Agricultural monitoring - NDVI index. Increase of yields or reduction of costs, Agrochemical survey, differentiated application of materials. |
Integrated machine system |
System of monitoring and control of transport. Equipment of special machinery and vehicles with GPS / GLONASS trackers that transmit data to the center of GLONASS/GPS satellite monitoring. GPS and GLONASS transport monitoring system, which allows to visualize the acreage of agricultural enterprises and work undertaken on them, to control the location and movement of the company's equipment. Automation of equipment management process (parallel driving, autopilot) with the help of navigation devices. Creation of RTK infrastructure, network of base stations (RTK - Real Time Kinematic - a set of techniques and methods for obtaining the coordinates with the centimeter accuracy using a satellite navigation system).Control of fuel and consumables. Installation on refuelers of universal event counters (USS) and RFID cards of drivers (radio-frequency identification).Organization of operational monitoring of fields processing tasks, collection and transportation of agricultural products. Control of collected grain that is discharged from the combine harvesters to grain carriers and moved to the weighing platforms. The exact calculation of the volume of fuel issued for each vehicle, the misuse of fuel is practically impossible. Reporting on the performed unloading of harvesters to control the harvesting company and for the subsequent analysis. |
“Digital” cattle |
RFID tags for animals, tracking sick individuals, head count, movement control, feeding control, etc. Sensors in the stomach with 5 years’ service life, temperature data, pH and motor activity. Installation of cameras to define the fatness, program management tribal records. The use of special software for accurate calculation of the amount and composition of mixed fodder, data for breeding. Automated milking halls, preparation of individual milk flows curves (Vartanova & Drobot, 2018). The data goes to departmental services, where rankings of milk flows, milk deficit, indices of the RDRC are done by area, region, etc. Dairy map includes statistics by region - average farm size, production data, market participants and their share. |
Accounting and decision support systems |
Implementation of software solutions to track the receipt of crops from each field, each combine, each grain carrier. The formation of management accounting and control of technological operations performed in the optimal time frames allows to obtain information about the operating time of the equipment, the treated area and productivity, the use of technology in the framework of technological operations. Online representation of key indicators on the company's website in real time. Data collection, storage and analysis, to track the dynamics of processes and support decision-making, including control over execution. Complex of solutions for effective management of modern (digital) enterprise. Use of platforms that support work through the Internet, including “cloud” technologies and work on mobile devices. |
Single platform |
For example, ERP: agro-industrial complex. Optimization of business plan in crop and livestock on the basis of different scenarios.Achieving the strategic goals of the agricultural company through operational control and effective use of land, machinery and tractor fleet, human resources.Organization of financial management based on the budgeting system.Operational control of field and repair activities.Optimization of placement of crops on fields and sites.Increasing crop yields through the optimal use of imported machinery and equipment, expensive feed and additives, plant protection products, seeds and fertilizers, control of fuel consumption. Operational provision of management of agricultural companies with reliable information for management decisions. Ensuring the possibility of forming a consolidated balance sheet of a diversified agro-industrial enterprise or group of companies. Comprehensive enterprise resource management. Customer relationship management. Management, financial and personnel accounting at the enterprise. A comprehensive solution for poultry, livestock, flour and cereal, dairy and other enterprises. Satellite support of vehicles, control of mileage, fuel consumption, unreasonable downtime, high-speed mode… |