Field of Application / Sector |
Number of Thesis |
% |
Education |
30 |
21,9% |
Construction |
10 |
7,3% |
Public Institutions |
10 |
7,3% |
N/A |
9 |
6,6% |
Banking |
8 |
5,8% |
Small and Medium Size Enterprises |
7 |
5,1% |
Tourism and Hotels |
7 |
5,1% |
Large Scale Enterprises |
5 |
3,6% |
Manufacturing |
5 |
3,6% |
Automotive |
4 |
2,9% |
Electronic |
4 |
2,9% |
IT |
4 |
2,9% |
Private Enterprises |
4 |
2,9% |
Public + Private Institutions |
3 |
2,2% |
Health |
3 |
2,2% |
Architecture |
2 |
1,5% |
Communication |
2 |
1,5% |
Logistics |
2 |
1,5% |
Media and Press |
2 |
1,5% |
Military and Defense Industry |
2 |
1,5% |
Accounting |
1 |
0,7% |
R & D Enterprises |
1 |
0,7% |
Finance |
1 |
0,7% |
Ship Construction |
1 |
0,7% |
Service |
1 |
0,7% |
International Enterprises |
1 |
0,7% |
Knowledge Worker |
1 |
0,7% |
Museums |
1 |
0,7% |
Non-Governmental Organizations |
1 |
0,7% |
Insurance |
1 |
0,7% |
Sports Federation |
1 |
0,7% |
Technology |
1 |
0,7% |
Textile |
1 |
0,7% |
Virtual Enterprises |
1 |
0,7% |