Research Subject |
Number of Thesis |
% |
Business |
43 |
31,4% |
Information and Document Management |
38 |
27,7% |
Education and Training |
18 |
13,1% |
Civil Engineering |
6 |
4,4% |
Banking |
4 |
2,9% |
Science and Technology |
4 |
2,9% |
Communication Sciences |
4 |
2,9% |
Tourism |
3 |
2,2% |
Archive |
2 |
1,5% |
Industry and Industrial Engineering |
2 |
1,5% |
Journalism |
2 |
1,5% |
Public Relations |
2 |
1,5% |
Public Administration |
2 |
1,5% |
Architecture |
2 |
1,5% |
Marine |
1 |
0,7% |
Economy |
1 |
0,7% |
Health Facilities Administration |
1 |
0,7% |
Insurance |
1 |
0,7% |
Textile and Textile Engineering |
1 |
0,7% |