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Comparing The in-Store Use of Smartphones Between Shoppers of Generations X-Y-Z

Table 1:

Authors Device Subject Study Focus
Mahatanankoon et al. (2005) Mobile phones Retailing Identification of valuable m-commerce operation modes and potential consumer-based applications
Okazaki (2007) Mobile phones Marketing communication Factors influencing attitudes towards and intention to access wireless banner advertising
Okazaki (2007) Mobile phones Marketing communication Factors influencing attitudes towards and intention to access wireless banner advertising
Okazaki & Romero (2010) Mobile phones Marketing communication Identification of segments of different usage levels of mobile pull advertising users
Gao et al. (2010) Mobile phones Marketing communication Factors that influence consumers’ acceptance of mobile marketing
Watson et al. (2013) Smartphones Marketing communication Attitudes towards mobile marketing communications
Quint et al. (2013) Smartphones Shopping Uses of mobile devices on assisting the shopper
Kang et al. (2015) Smartphones Shopping Usage intention of mobile location-based services retail apps
Wang et al. (2015) Smartphones and tablets Shopping Impact of mobile shopping on customers’ purchase behavior
Voropanova (2015) Smartphones Omnichannel Implications of the use of smartphones in omnichannel shopping for consumer shopping productivity and shopping value
Santos (2015) Smartphones Retailing Acceptance intention towards QR code
Gensler et al. (2017) Not identified Omnichannel Factors affecting the decision to showroom and its benefits
Dacko (2017) Smartphones In-store retailing Contribute of augmented reality to retail setting
Fuentes et al. (2017) Smartphones In-store retailing Explains how mobile phones reconfigure shopping practice
Rippé et al. (2017) Smartphones In-store retailing Explore the relation between consumer mobile shopping behavior and the retail salesperson’sability to sell
Riaz (2017) Smartphones In-store retailing Attractiveness and effectiveness of information triggers that help the shopping in a physical store
Mosquera et al. (2018) Smartphones Omnichannel Factors that influence customers’ intentions to use smartphones instoreand actual behavior
Grewal et al. (2018) Smartphones In-store retailing Examines consumers’ general instore mobile phone use and shopping behavior
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