“SWOT group” |
“Group Priority” |
“SWOT factors” |
“Factor priority within the group” |
“Overall factor priority” |
Opportunities |
53.1% |
(O1) Trade growth between Europe and Asia |
24.6% |
13.1% |
(O2) EU neighbor policy aiming to reach Asian markets with improved logistics infrastructure |
26.9% |
14.3% |
(O3) Expectations of growth to maritime trade in the Mediterranean due to the New Suez Canal |
14.1% |
7.5% |
(O4) The growth trend in container trading volume |
12.9% |
6.9% |
(O5) China’s decrease in trade volume shifted the World trade towards developing countries |
21.4% |
11.4% |
Threats |
46.9% |
(T1) Investments in competing ports in the region (Anaklia/ Georgia; Port Said/ Egypt) |
20.6% |
9.7% |
(T2) Political and security problems in the Middle East Region |
23.3% |
10.9% |
(T3) Increase in port competition |
35.3% |
16.6% |
(T4) Turkey’s negative macroeconomic trends |
20.7% |
9.7% |