Positive influence |
Negative influence |
A harmonious system of legislative and other regulatory acts with mechanisms (instructions) for their implementation. The fullest possible conformity of normative acts of a regional level with federal acts: a) horizontally - compliance of laws and bylaws at one level (federal or regional), their completeness, sufficiency and clarity; vertically - compliance of regional legislation with federal one, accuracy and timeliness of communicating and explaining regulations. |
Contradictions between federal and regional laws and regulations. The lack of mechanisms for the introduction, execution and monitoring of the implementation of regulations. |
Creation of by-laws and guidance documents, the development and application of effective formats for the explanation and introduction of legislation and other regulations. Professionalism of executives. Due attention in the education authorities to the work of legal services. |
The possibility of voluntarist decisions, the use of peculiar interpretations of legislation. The use of efforts to combat unlawful decisions and to prove the fallacy of interpretations of the law by lower level executive bodies. |
The presence of serious scientific research in the field of education.Providing conditions for the development of educational research. Formation of mechanisms for the introduction and use in practice of modern scientific research. |
Lack of material, technical, financial and personnel conditions for the development of science in the field of education. |
Highly professional training, advanced training and retraining of teaching staff. |
The absence or inadequacy of advanced training and retraining in the field of higher education pedagogy. The low quality of training for teaching staff. |
Effective interaction with representatives of the labor market on a wide range of issues |
Lack of interaction with the labor market. Refusal to respond to a request and to the state of the labor market from vocational education organizations, lack of vocational guidance in secondary school |
Availability of proposals to educational organizations of investment or charity projects from sponsors and investors. |
The inability of universities to promote their scientific services in the market. High degree of dependence on federal budget funds. |
Positive interaction with the media. Accounting for the influence of media on the rating and development of the educational organization. Skillful use of advertising tools. |
Negative experience of interaction with the media. Underestimation of the influence of the media and advertising on the development of an educational organization, its reputation and participation in investment projects. |
The positive influence of art on the formation of students' personality, on the organization of the educational process. |
The negative impact of mass culture. There is a significant gap between the spheres of being of adult educators and adolescents / youth, which is ideological, psychological, informational. |
The geographical location, the location of the educational institution in a major scientific and cultural center with favorable climatic conditions. |
Lack of computerization and internetization; training local scientists to reduce negative impact. The absence of a request from enterprises with high-tech production or the absence of such enterprises. Extremely negative climate conditions. |
Due attention to the formation of a positive attitude to the educational organization with the help of ratings, external assessments and so on. Care for reputation and image of the organization. |
Inattention and lack of solutions on the problem of forming a positive attitude towards the organization. |
Supporting educational traditions at different levels, historical and cultural connection with the local community. |
Lack of reliance on the traditions of the organization, the historical development of the region |
The sustainable economic situation of the region, the village where the university is located, the opportunities for practical training and employment of young people. |
Economic problems of the region, weak opportunities for the development of the university infrastructure, its interaction with enterprises, employing organizations and investors. |
Quality, level of development of the social environment of the region, settlement. |
Difficult social environment in any respect or group of factors. |
The university is located in a research center where the local self-consciousness is connected with science and education. The influence of the national factor is secondary here, but may also be present. Direct religious influence on education should not be exercised in accordance with federal law. |
The negative impact of the national factor in the conditions of insufficient attention to educational work and the settlement of problems in the sphere of interethnic relations. Negative religious influence in the conditions of the prevailing influence of any single confession on the participants of the educational process, who are representatives of different confessions. |
Special efforts to create a positive attitude of the public to education and a separate educational institution on the basis of all of the above. |
Negative manifestations during the implementation of the educational process, as well as the negative image formed by the media. |