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The Need For After School Programs In Rural Communities

Table 2:

Topics Professors Caregivers
The main problems encountered in the classroom Child and Parental Involvement for Study (37)Frequent quarrels between children (16)Discrimination, stereotypes (7)Low level of training (28), Abseentism (18)Insufficient teaching materials (39)Insufficient computers (32) Children do not understand each other (6)High requirements from teachers (9)Lack of Teacher Interest (4)Lack of teaching materials (3)
Requests from beneficiaries to organize after school 75% of teachers stated that they were not required to organize educational activities after the completion of the regular program 30% of surveyed parents want help with their children’s homework after school
Type of activities performed by the child outside the classroom Domestic activities, Recreational activities
The quality and amount of free time of the child Time insufficiently well-structured from an educational point of view Qualitatively acceptable level
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