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The Role Of The Mentor In The Activity Of The Beginner Teacher

Table 3:

Indicators To a very great extent% To a great extent% To a small extent% To a very small extent% Not at all%
Is there in your school an open atmosphere, one of collaboration between all teachers? 31 56 7 6 0
Do you have a permanent communication with the teachers in the same working group at school level (department, curricular area etc.)? 26 39 35 0 0
Do you happen to debate in breaks professional topics or topics related to the teaching activity? 2 31 42 25 0
Are the successes of some teachers disseminated at meetings of the Teachers' Council? 8 34 58 0 0
Are you interested to receive from your colleagues as much information as possible about new things connected with the professional activity? 37 63 0 0 0
Are you involved in educational projects at the level of your school together with your colleagues (national or international)? 3 12 37 39 9
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