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Pedagogical System And Methodology Of Its Research In The Historical Retrospective

Table 1:

Author Definition
Bespalko, (1989) "In our opinion, the pedagogical system means a certain set of interrelated means, methods and processes necessary to create an organized, purposeful and deliberate pedagogical influence on the formation of a personality with specified qualities. All pedagogical phenomena arising in the evolutionary process of formation and development of educational activity find explanation in the structural changes of the elements of the pedagogical system as well as in changes of the properties of its elements or the nature of the connections between them " (p. 6).
Zhuk, (2011) "The educational system as a management object in modern research is regarded as a multisystem with specific features related to its social, cultural and personality functions, and the type of "industrial" relations in the “human-to-human” area. The educational system as a management object can be considered as:the pedagogical system where the educational process is realized;the economic system where financial and economic mechanisms of activity are realized;the social system where participants – people and groups of people - enter into social relations with each other and with the surrounding environment;the organizational system where efficiency of the educational system management and coordination of the pedagogical, economic and social aspects of its activities are ensured" (p. 5-6).
Kadtsyn, (2008) "The category "pedagogical system" reflects organized pedagogical activity, which is a set of purposeful (managed) processes of upbringing and education in different types of educational institutions. Depending on the purpose, it is possible to distinguish between pedagogical systems of general (pre-school and school) education, vocational training, social adaptation and correction as areas of organized pedagogical activity" (p. 45)
Novikov, (2010) “The pedagogical system is the unity of the set of the goals of human education and all the factors contributing to the achievement of these goals. The pedagogical system is a particular concept in relation to a more general concept - the educational system. Moreover, pedagogical systems can be viewed at different levels: the pedagogical system of the educational institutions, the pedagogical system of each particular teacher, lecturer, the pedagogical system of a particular training course, academic subject, topic, lesson, etc. That is, we deal with the hierarchy of pedagogical systems" (p. 125-126).
Podlasiy, (2004) "The pedagogical process proceeds in the pedagogical system - the unification of components (elements) that remain stable under changes. If the changes (innovations) exceed a certain permissible limit (margin of safety), the system collapses, a new system with other properties appears in its place" (p.47).
Slastenin, (2002) "The pedagogical system is a multitude of interrelated structural components united by a single educational goal of personality development and functioning in a holistic pedagogical process" (p. 117).
Spirin, (1994) "Any association of people specially organized for realizing the aims of education and upbringing must be regarded as a pedagogical system. The pedagogical system arises whenever the educational, labour, scientific, environmental, aesthetic, social, moral, sporting, play activities of people become a source of pedagogical goals and a means of their simultaneous achievement. At the same time, the pedagogical system is a complex continuously changing social management system, in which educational tasks are solved and pedagogical goals are achieved " (p. 7).
Khitryuk, (2015) "The pedagogical system is understood as a set of conditions, methods, technologies, processes and tools that ensure the purposeful formation of the necessary competencies (academic, social, personal and professional)" (p. 9-10).
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