Skills |
Correlated competences |
1.1. Self – awareness |
1.2. Self – reflection |
Self – improvementThe ability to apply effective improvement strategies. |
2.1. DeterminationThe will to take action. |
2.2. Mindset and attitude in challengeThe proactive approach of a situation. |
2.3. Action on challengeThe ability to act in order to solve a problematic situation. |
2.4. Being resourcefulThe ability to effectively use the resources on hand. |
3.1 Analyzing and acquiring informationThe ability to understand an issue, including the cause-effect relationship. |
3.2 Giving and applying solutionsThe ability to find and apply solutions for the identified problems. |
4.1. Cognitive empathyHow do you think about other people and/or connect with their situation/point of view |
4.2. CommunicationTwo-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange (encode-decode) information, news, ideas and feelings, but also create and share meaning. |
4.3. CollaborationThe ability to work together with others towards shared goals, adapting to different working styles. |
4.4. Conflict managementThe ability to assertively get over a conflictual situation. |
4.5. InfluenceThe ability to positively shape others' thinking and behavior. |
5.1. PlanningAnticipating the future, setting long term goals and ways to measure them, as well as strategies to accomplish goals, sequencing of activities and allocation of resources. |
5.2. ExecutingThe ability to put into practice the planning instruments using the available resources to reach the set goals. |
AssessmentThe ability to monitor and evaluate the reaching of a set goal, in the beginning and at the end of an activity as well as ongoing activities. |