Factor 1Active involvement in life |
Factor 2Peer generation evaluation |
Factor 3Confidence in one`s powers |
Factor 4Independence and autonomy |
Factor 5Family support |
Need to make an effort (0.788), |
Openness to new (0,798) |
Confidence in one`s powers (0,534) |
Parents are minimally involved (0,503) |
Support and participation of parents in school and student life (0,611) |
Active life and activities (0,719) |
Striving for broad communication (0,786) |
Focus on novelty (0,521) |
The school has almost no effect on life (0,521) |
Parents`relations are good(0,546), joint family activities (0,513) |
Satisfaction from activity (0,759) and exertion (0,754) |
Pursuit of personal well-being (0,775) and career growth (0,692) |
Persistence in efforts (0,339) |
Parents` relations are unfavorable(0,458); difference of views and values (0,379) |
Similarity of views and values (0,482) |
Focus on success (0,714) |
Purposefulness(0,749) |
Changing plans due to conditions (0.451) |
Mobility (0,435) |
Reliance on parents (0,426) |
Potential development(0,694) |
Striving for personal development(0,643) |
Willingness to start over(0,478) |
Ability to mobilize(0.393) |
Feeling of family circle(0,379) |