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Spaces Of Social Relations And Risks In The Childrens Personal Development

Table 2:

Characteristics of the studied families Group 1 Group 2
Family composition, the nature of family relations 5 single-parent families (14%) ,13 (36%) families have very conflicting relationships 3 single-parent families (10%), in 2 (6%) the relationship is very conflicting
Family composition, number of children in a family Large families (25%, in 4 families 5 or more children), 16 families with 2 children (44.5%) There are no large families, in most families there is one child (67%)
Parents’ education 32% (men) have secondary special education, most of them work by profession, 23% (secondary) 77% of parents (at least one in a family) have higher education, the choice of the profession of the parents does not coincide with the education (the choice of the "creative" profession, business)
Family leisure and recreation Free tickets to the sanatorium, camp leisure "entertainment" character; exotic, "trendy" places to travel
Wealth of the family, living conditions Wealth is below average; housing in a residential area, live together for several generations (44%) Stable wealth is significantly above average, housing area in elite places of residence, abroad
Family income, distribution of responsibilities between spouses Both spouse’s work (47%) and only the mother (33%) Only father works (67%);
Education of the child, the distribution of responsibilities in the family Grandmother and grandfather take part in the upbringing Presence of a housekeeper, English-speaking nanny, tutors
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