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Author |
Title |
Sample Size |
Findings |
1 |
Chiva & Alegre (2008) |
EI and job satisfaction: the role of organizational learning capability. |
N=157 Workers of Ceramic tile manufacturers Spain. |
Organizational Learning Capability plays a significant role in determining the effects of EI on job satisfaction. |
2 |
Sener, Demirel, & Sarlak (2009) |
The effect of the EI on job satisfaction. |
N=80 Nurses and midwives of Turkey. |
Association was found between the EI and job satisfaction. |
3 |
Ismail, Yao, Yeo, Lai-Kuan, & Soon-Yew (2010) |
Occupational stress features, EI and job satisfaction: an empirical study in private institutions of higher learning. |
N=80 Academic Employees. |
EI acts as a partial moderating variable in the relationship between occupational stress and job satisfaction. |
4 |
Naseer, Chishti, Rahman, & Jumani (2011) |
Impact of EI on Team Performance in Higher Education Institutes. |
N=15 teams consisting of 5-15 members. |
Results indicated that EI had positive impact on team performance. |
5 |
Hur,, Berg,& Wilderom,C. P. (2011). |
Transformational leadership as a mediator between emotional intelligence and team outcomes. |
N= 55 teams consisting of 859 employees of public organizations of Korea. |
TFL mediates the relationship between EI and leader effectiveness. |
6 |
Çekmecelioğlu, Günsel, & Ulutaş,(2012) |
Effects of Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction. |
N=135, Academicians from Universiti Utara Malaysia. |
Findings indicated that employees with high emotional recognition have higher levels of internal job satisfaction. |
7 |
Al Ali, Garner, & Magadley,. (2012). |
An Exploration of the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance in Police Organizations. |
N=310 police officers. |
The results showed significant correlations between EI levels and police job performance. |
8 |
Heidarzadeh & Mirvaisi, (2013) |
A survey on impact of EI, organizational citizenship behaviors and job satisfaction on employees’ performance in Iranian hotel industry. |
N=225Hotel employees. |
The results confirmed that EI have positive impacts on job performance, organizational citizenship behavior. |
9 |
Mortan,Ripoll, Carvalho, & Consuelo,(2014) |
Effects of EI on entrepreneurial intention and self-efficacy. |
N=394, Volunteer students. |
Results indicated that two dimensions of EI, regulation and utilization of emotions, positively affect entrepreneurial self-efficacy. |
10 |
Shamsuddin, & Rahman, (2014). |
The relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance of call centre agents. |
N=118 call centre agents of Kuala Lampur. |
Two EI dimensions regulation appraisal emotion (RAE) and use of emotion (UOE) contributed to job performance. |
11 |
Chen, Bian, & Hou, (2015) |
Impact of transformational leadership on subordinate’s EI and work performance. |
N=243, Employees of Taiwan. |
The data indicated that EI had a positive relationship with work -performance; meanwhile, perceived leader’s TFL positively moderated the relationship between subordinate’s EI and work performance. |
12 |
Rezvani,Chang,Wiewiora,Ashkanasy,Jordan, &Zolin,(2016). |
Manager emotional intelligence and project success: The mediating role of job satisfaction and trust. |
N=373 Project managers of Australians defense industry. |
EI has positive impact on project success, job satisfaction and trust. |
13 |
Makkar. & Basu (2017) |
The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Workplace Behaviour: A Study of Bank Employees. |
N=300 Bank employees. |
The results revealed that high EI shows positive workplace behaviour as compared to employees who scored less in EI. |
14 |
Akhter, Ghufran, Hussain & Shahid (2017) |
The effect of EI on employees’ performance: The moderating role of Perceived Organizational Support. |
N=316, Employees working in banks located in Islamabad (Pakistan) |
Findings suggest that EI has positive impact on employee’s job performance, and perceived organizational support. |
15 |
Bozionelos, & Singh (2017). |
The relationship of emotional intelligence with task and contextual performance: More than it meets the linear eye. |
N=188 Expatriates. |
Employees with high score in EI has strongest job performance ratings. |
16 |
Dust, Rode, Arthaud-Day, Howes, & Ramaswami, (2018). |
Managing the self-esteem, employment gaps, and employment quality process: The role of facilitation- and understanding-based EI. |
N=157 Alumni of a university in USA. |
Results suggest that subjects with low EI lack the ability to harness emotional information to enhance their thinking and to make connections between emotions and situations. |