Role Of Spirituality At Work And Organizational Commitment To Organizational Citizenship Behavior


Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is a major factor in achieving organizational goals. An organizational commitment is needed for each lecturer to achieve organizational citizenship behavior, which ultimately can improve the University's performance. The spirituality at work that describes the meaning of job can affect both of these things. Characteristics of lecturer work that must meet the “Tridharma” of Higher Education besides doing other work, such as getting involved in campus activities or guiding student organizations. This is very demanding of spirituality at work that can increase organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. The purpose of this research was to analyze the role of spirituality in the workplace and organizational commitment toward Organizational Citizenship Behavior of lecturers at Islamic University in Pekanbaru. The respondents of this research were permanent lecturers at the Islamic University in Pekanbaru with probability sampling method with the Random Sampling technique of 318 respondents. This research analyzed used Structural Equation Modeling. The results of this study indicate that spirituality in the workplace has a direct positive and significant direct effect on organizational commitment, Spirituality at work has a positive and significant direct positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior, Organizational commitment has a positive direct and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior at Islamic University lecturers in Pekanbaru.

Keywords: “Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)”“Organizational Commitment”“Spirituality at Work”


In achieving organizational goals human resources are very important role. In addition to other resources that was owned by the organization. The study of organizational behaviour suggests that there are three determinants of behaviour in organizations, namely individuals, groups, and organizations. These three things were studied for their influence on organizations with the aim of applying science to improve the effectiveness of an organization. Some dependent variables in organizational behaviour include: productivity, absenteeism, turnover, and job satisfaction. Robbins was added two other variables namely deviant behaviour in workplace and citizenship behaviour (OCB) (2006).

OCB is a unique aspect of individual activities in work. Organizations will succeed if employees do their main tasks and also do additional tasks such as working together, actively participating, and providing extra services to service users, and willing to use their working time. Extra actions that exceed the basic tasks determined by the organization are referred to OCB. Successful organizations needed employees who will do more than their formal duties and performance that exceeds from the expectations. The organization wants employees who are willing to do tasks that are not listed in their job descriptions. According to Yen and Niehoff (2004), the facts that the organizations shows that have employees who have good OCB, will have better performance than other organizations.

Commitment is an important thing in management of literature because of commitment is one of the fundamental values in organizations and staff is assessed based on commitment criteria (Cohen, 1993). Organizational commitment is one of the hidden factors but effective in employee work behaviour (Dehaghi, Goodarzi, & Arazi, 2012) and it is like an affective attitude and condition that shows the level of tendency and need the obligation to continue working in the organization.

Organizational commitment is described as an organizational attitude or orientation that shows one's identity for the organization (Kazemipour, Mohamad Amin, & Pourseidi, 2012) and the feeling that belonging to the organization (Markovits, Davis, & Van Dick, 2007) and the tendency of people to get loyalty that was held by employees (Liu, 2009) social systems (Meyer et al. 2002) found in organizations. Organizational commitment can be defined as a psychological state that characterizes an employee's relationship with the organization and reduces who will leave it (Allen and Meyer, 2000). Organizational commitment refers to employee confidence in achieving organizational goals and values, willingness to maintain the membership and loyalty in the organization (Hackett et al., 2001). Meyer and Allen (1991) provide a model of organizational commitment and identify three components: (1) effective commitment; (2) continuous commitment; and (3) normative commitment.

The study about spirituality in the workplace began to be known and discussed in organizational behavior books, such as Robbins (2006) that was discussed about the part of organizational culture. According to Chand, and Koul, (2012) spirituality on work organization does not involve in religious activities or divinity. Spirituality in the workplace is more recognize as people who work in a company organization that have a spiritual life because of the meaningful work for their lives.

For decades, elements of human spirituality have not obtained attention in management. However, the development of research shows that understanding of emotional feelings and the emotional life of employees as human beings will increase the understanding of organizational behaviour, so the awareness of spirituality could support the management practitioners to understand the employee behaviour. Robbins (2006), states that the reason for increasing attention to spirituality was to balances stressful in a chaotic life, Due to the current lifestyle, families with single parents, increasingly high mobility between countries, temporary work and so on.

The purpose of this study was to analyse the influence of spirituality in the workplace and organizational commitment of citizen behaviour of lecturers at Islamic University of Pekanbaru.

Problem Statement

The Issue on this research is discussing on organizational citizenship behaviour at Lecture in Islamic Universities at Pekanbaru. as known that organizations will succeed if employees do their main tasks and also do additional tasks such as working together, actively participating, and providing extra services to service users, and willing to use their working time. Extra actions that exceed the basic tasks determined by the organization are referred to OCB. In Fact, the lecture at Islamic Universities are no willing to conduct extra job, they only want to conduct their job as well as in the job description.

Research Questions

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
Conceptual Framework
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The hypothesis of this study as follows:

H1: There is a positive influence between spirituality at work and organizational commitment

H2: There is a positive influence between spirituality at work to organizational citizenship behaviour

H3: There is a positive influence between organizational commitments to organizational citizenship behaviour

Purpose of the Study

  • To know the influence of spirituality at work toward Organizational Commitment.

  • To know the influence of Spirituality at work toward Organizational Citizenship behaviour.

  • To Know the influence of Organizational Commitments toward organizational Citizenship Behaviour.

Research Methods

5.1 Research Design

This study used a quantitative approach that used a verification, namely an approach based on existing theories and then compared with the reality that occurs in the community. Verification was to know the role of spirituality in the workplace and organizational commitment of citizenship behaviour.

Sample of Research

The Sample in this study was permanent lecturers at Islamic University in Pekanbaru, there are State of Islamic University Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Muhammadiyah University of Riau, and the Islamic University of Riau. The sample selection used probability sampling method with the Random Sampling technique. The sample size was determined proportionally based on the lecturer population of each Islamic University in Pekanbaru as many as 318 respondents.

5.3 Data analysis

This study involved three variables, the variables of spirituality at work, Organizational Commitment, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour where each variable has a dimensions and indicators. Each indicator instrument will be tested for validity and reliability. The research hypothesis was analysed by Structural Equation Modelling.


6.1Goodness of fit test

The step must be taken before assessing the feasibility of the structural model is to assess the data to be processed that meets the assumptions of structural equation models. Assessing goodness of fit is the main goal of SEM to find out what extent the model is hypothesized to be fit with the sample data (Ghozali and Latan, 2014). The results of the goodness of fit are shown in the following table 2 :

Table 1 -
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In this study eight models were used to test the model consisting of chi-square, Goodness of Fit Index (GFI), Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI), Tucker Lewis Index (TLI), Comparative Fit Index (CFI), Normed Fit Index (NFI), Incremental Fit Index (IFI) and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA). Only seven criteria are GFI, AGFI, TLI, CFI, NFI, IFI and RMSEA that meet the criteria (fit). For chi-square that gets a large value (67.164) and probability 0.000, due to the large number of samples (n = 200) so that the probability cannot be calculated (Hair et al., 1998). Overall criteria used in goodness of fit test, it can be concluded that the SEM model in this study is good and feasible to be used in for further analysis.

6.2SEM Analysis

In SEM analysis there are two influences, direct influence and indirect influence. The analysis result shows that the structural model provides the relationship between the magnitudes of coefficient between variables. If P-value <0.05 then there is a significant influence between one variable and the other. The results of the analysis can be seen in table 3 below:

Table 2 -
See Full Size >

Graphically provided as follows

Figure 2: Structural Model in SEM
Structural Model in SEM
See Full Size >

The results show that:

H1. Spirituality at work has a positive and significant direct effect on organizational commitment, with coefficient values 0.441 ***, p-value 0.000 <0.05. This means, the higher spirituality of a lecturer at the university, the higher organizational commitment will be.

The meaning is the results of this study indicate that there is a strong positive and significant influence between spirituality at work and organizational commitment. This means, to achieve higher organizational commitment, a lecturer must improve their spirituality at work, such as lecturer must be able to assume that his work is meaningful to him, have a sense of togetherness with fellow colleagues, and lecturer have to understand the university values to achieve the university goals. If lecturer considers that the work is meaningful to him, then he will not leave the university and will tend to contribute the progress of the university.

H2. Spirituality at work has a positive and significant direct effect on OCBC, with coefficient value of 0.248 ***, p-value of 0.000 <0.05. This means, the higher spirituality of a lecturer at the university, the higher the OCBC will be.

The results of this study indicate that there was a strong positive and significant influence between spirituality at work and organizational citizenship behaviour. If a lecturer at the university considers that his work is very meaningful to his family, the lecturer will shape behaviour that can achieve the university's goals, such as wanting to do additional work outside of the higher education “tridarma” tasks of teaching, research, and community service. In addition, a lecturer must have a sense of togetherness with fellow colleagues, fellow lecturers and employees, and understand organizational values ​​(university vision and mission) so that they can improve the behaviour of a lecturer to achieve university goals. The results of this study are in line with research by Podsakoff et al. (2000) that the higher spirituality of employees, they tend to have behaviour outside the work (OCB) in carrying out their daily work so as to support the effectiveness in the organization.

H3. Organizational commitment has a positive and significant direct effect on OCBC, with coefficient value of 0.483 ***, p-value of 0.000 <0.05. This means, the higher organizational commitment of a lecturer, the higher the OCBC will be.

The results of this study indicate that there was a strong positive and significant influence between organizational commitments to organizational citizenship behaviour. That means, if a lecturer who wants to be bound by a university tends to like to do additional work, avoid interpersonal conflict with his colleagues and superiors, care about university goals, high attendance rates, and improve university performance. This result is in line with the research of Meyer et al. (1993) in Muhammad’s research (2004) who found a significant relationship between affective commitment and organizational citizenship behaviour. That can be conclude, when employees have organizational commitment in carrying out their work, they have good organizational citizenship behaviour.


Based on the results and discussion it can be concluded that:

  • Spirituality at work has a strong positive and significant effect on organizational commitment. This means that to increase lecturers organizational commitment it is necessary to have the spirituality at work at Islamic University in pekanbaru.

  • Spirituality at work has a strong positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behaviour. This means that to improve the organizational citizenship behaviour it is necessary to have spirituality at work that must be possessed by all lecturers at Islamic University in Pekanbaru.

Organizational commitment has a strong positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behaviour. This means that to improve organizational citizenship behaviour of lecturers, they need the commitment of the organization. Please replace this text with context of your paper.


This research was funded by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Islam Riau


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17 May 2019

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Business, innovation, sustainability, environment, green business, environmental issues

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Hamzah, Z., & Nurjannah*, H. (2019). Role Of Spirituality At Work And Organizational Commitment To Organizational Citizenship Behavior. In M. Imran Qureshi (Ed.), Technology & Society: A Multidisciplinary Pathway for Sustainable Development, vol 62. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 137-143). Future Academy.