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Corporate Social Responsibility In Russia: Motives And Features

Table 2:

Criterion CSR executives Consumers Investors
Definition CSR managers do not have a clear understanding of what a responsible company is or what it does Consumers define socially responsible companies as companies that try their best to do the right thing both internally and externally Responsible companies are more reliable, more likely to survive in the long term, they are transparent and fair
Motives Companies invest in CSR programs, mainly because there is a huge risk that they will not be able to form a positive attitude towards themselves Consumers expect companies to engage in CSR, using initiatives that are part of their daily activities, and complement business Risk minimizing, confidence building and protection of shareholders
Purposes The common goal is to help people in their community, as well as encourage potential employees to consider working for the company. Also executives use CSR to stimulate sales, to increase involvement in social networks, to motivate investors to buy their shares Consumers want companies to be responsible for everything they do Investors expect to maximize economic benefits for both shareholders and employees. At the same time, they are torn between personal preferences and professional commitments
Directions A CSR plan must align with the vision, mission and goal of the company. A half of executives indicate that CSR objectives should be based on their benefits for others, regardless of whether they align with their business. Socially responsible companies should prioritize fostering a healthy work environment, providing their employees with decent wages and benefit packages
Management support 82% of executives indicate that company’s management fully supports CSR initiatives, 71% - say they have to justify their efforts to their leadership team, 57% - report that it is difficult to get their programs funded It is considered that if the employer company is irresponsible, then most companies are irresponsible, so they do not want to support responsible companies. Every sixth investment professional says that their bosses or clients do not allow them to invest in socially responsible companies.
Expected results If efforts are not effective, companies will not experience the benefits of a CSR program (e.g., increased customer loyalty, stronger profits, etc.). For some consumers, this means taking specific actions (buying), for others - more intangible actions (readiness to forgive mistakes, trust the news about the company). They want to invest in socially responsible companies, but on average they estimate that only 45% of the companies they invested in are socially responsible.
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