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Efficiency Assessment Of Scientific Organizations In The Region

Table 2:

Field of assessment Assessment indicator, measuring unit Symbol
1 Number of R&D performed by the order of regional authorities to implement the strategy of the region (Rr) Number of R&D completed in the reporting year and accepted by regional authorities for further implementation, pcs Rr-1
2 Publishing result of a scientific organization (Rp) Number of publications in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), pcs Rp-1
RSCI citation ratio (over 5 years, including the reporting year), citations Rp-2
Number of publications in the Web of Science, pcs Rp-3
Citation ratio in the Web of Science (over 5 years, including the reporting year), citations Rp-4
Number of reports presented at conferences, pcs Rp-5
Number of scientific conferences where the scientific organization acts as the organizer or the co-organizer, pcs Rp-6
Number of monographs by full-time staff of the organization, pcs Rp-7
Number of monographs (parts of monographs) published jointly with employees of other organizations, pcs Rp-8
3 Staff result (Rs) Number of doctoral theses, pcs Rs-1
Number of candidate’s theses, pcs Rs-2
Number of domestic and foreign patents (certificates), rights (or their part) of the organization, pcs Rs-3
Number of SIE, test facilities, specialized departments, production sites, laboratories and other innovative structures where the organization acts as the founder or co-founder, pcs Rs-4
4 Fundraising (Rf) R&D funds financed from federal or regional budgets (Federal Target Program, grants and other sources), mln.rub. Rf-1
R&D funds financed from international grants and competitions, mln.rub. Rf-2
Funds from organizations for R&D, research and engineering and other services, mln.rub. Rf-3
Funds from license agreements, mln.rub. Rf-4
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