Indicators |
2015. |
2016. |
2017. |
The number of registered organizations |
26 |
60 |
45 |
The number of the procurement plans offered |
114 |
201 |
211 |
The number of regulations offered |
23 |
60 |
30 |
The number of posted notices |
1097 |
1696 |
1380 |
The initial (maximum) price of purchases, mln. RUB. |
1 995.0 |
63 238.0 |
11 059.0 |
The sum of contracts in disclosure data, mln. RUB. |
4 082.0 |
51 839.0 |
21 071.0 |
The amount of purchases for small businesses, mln. RUB. |
399 684.9 |
633 019.3 |
726 618.2 |
% of the total annual volume of purchases provided by the schedule |
4.27% |
8.1% |
10.66% |