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Testing And Developing Agility Skill In Volleyball Players Aged Between 10-12 Years

Table 3:

Item no. Anthropometric measurements (Final test) Arithmetic mean Standard deviation Standard error Confidence interval for mean
Lower bound Upper bound
1 Age 11.77 1.561 0.179 11 12
2 Height 145.51 1.916 0.212 136 155
3 Weight 39.21 1.552 0.171 35 46
4 Wingspan 145.15 1.351 0.215 139 147
5 Bust 80.04 2.017 0.223 75 83
6 Biacromial diameter 29.15 2.295 0.174 28 30
7 Bitrochanteric diameter 30.71 1.268 0.218 29 32
8 Thoracic perimeter 75.13 1.241 0.276 72 78
9 Length of lower limbs 66.73 2.267 0.211 64 71
10 Length of upper limbs 57.13 1.235 0.189 50 62
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