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The Notions About Terrorism In Young People With Different Individual Mental Resources

Table 2:

Association frequency The frequency of occurrence of the trait
Extraverts Neurotics Psychotics
Core dangerous (12.1)death (11.0) terrible (16.7) horrible (10.5) terrible (10.5)
Near periphery terrible (9.8)horrible (8.7)cruel (7.5)killing (7.5) cruel (9.9)dangerous (9.9)death (7.4) horrible (6.1)cruel (5.3)dangerous (5.3)death (5.3)
Far periphery evil (3.5)bloody (2.9) destructive (2.3)ill (2.3)aggressive (1.7)ruthless (1.7)merciless (1.7)inhumane (1.7)hostile (1.7)bad (1.7)amoral (1.2)explosive (1.2)threatening (1.2) destructive (3.7)killing (3.7)frightening (3.7)unlawful (1.9)evil (1.9)violent (1.9)bad (1.9)meaningless (1.2)ill (1.2)military (1.2)bloody (1.2)mass (1.2)tragic (1.2)disturbing (1.2)threatening (1.2) bad (4.4)bloody (3.5)destructive (3.5)evil (2.6) violent (2.6) threatening (2.6) frightening (1.8)hostile (1.8)harmful (1.8)national (1.8)negative (1.8)hateful (1.8)religious (1.8)killing (1.8)unexpected (1.8) ill (1.8)
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