Dependency graph |
Dependency characteristics |
The available raw materials allow procuring the food resources of the forest in the most efficient way. However, straightening of the curve is indicative of the relations with the other components as even significant volumes of the food resources of the forest cannot lead to the desirable effect without developed material-technical base and labour component. |
The graph shows that labour resources influence the value of the procurement potential very much. Their growth causes new intermittent growth of the potential of the entire system of procurement in the Irkutsk region. High-skilled specialists of the given sphere can produce and process the food resources of the forest more efficiently, at the same time the available modern technologies allow achieving the best results. |
The expert system shows an interesting dependency between the procurement potential and legal resource development. Developed and approved legal-regulatory documents allow increasing the resource potential of the system of procuring the food resources of the forest up to a certain point; then it falls. Primarily, it is caused by the fact that the large number of such documents can lead to contradictions and procurement productivity can decrease. Though if the legal system is well-balanced the potential of the procurement system will increase. |
A technological component can influence the value of the resource potential of the system of procuring the food resources of the forest only if it is at high or medium levels. When it reaches them, even its insignificant growth leads to the significant growth of the entire procurement system potential. |
The availability of information component allows procuring efficiently and the increase of this component always leads to the growth of the resource potential of the system of procuring the food resources of the forest. |
A well-developed material and technical base gives the possibility to procure and process the food resources of the forest more efficiently. The availability of the buildings and equipment for storage, modern technologies of collecting, transportation and processing always facilitate the growth of the procurement productivity. Straightening of the curve is indicative of innovative technological resources that are very important for procurement. |
Economic resource can also influence the value of the resource potential of the system of procuring the food resources of the forest. However, the value of the resource potential begins to grow rapidly only when the economic component is at the high level. |