Component (resource) |
Constituents |
Raw material |
sufficient quantity of raw materials that can be used in the production process. |
Labour |
work experience in the procurement system;average monthly wages;proportion of workers having specialized education. |
Legal |
quantity of the available legal-regulatory documents; quantity of the newly-approved legal-regulatory documents for more efficient production activity;diversity of the legal forms of the organizations performing the production activity. |
Technological |
provision of the enterprises with the modern technologies of production; provision of the enterprises with the modern technologies of processing the products;provision of the enterprises with the modern technologies of the products storage;provision of the enterprises with the modern technologies of the products transportation. |
Information |
availability of the information services; availability of the scientific researches in the sphere of the goods production;the quantity of the organizations training the skilled workers;availability of the statistical information about the production sphere. |
Material and technical |
the level of the company’s provision with the necessary equipment for producing and processing the goods;the level of the company’s provision with the necessary equipment for the storage and transportation of the goods;the level of expenses for the equipment maintenance;the level of expenses for the vehicle maintenance. |
Economic |
the total cost of the production;the total cost of processing the products;the total cost of the transportation of the products;the share of cash receipts from selling the products;the share of the profitable enterprises. |