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Integral Factor Analysis Of Financial Profitability By Filatovs Method

Table 1:

No. Indicators № factor's Plan(0) Fact(I) Deviation (∆)
1 V – The net revenue, thousand $ 1 500 000 1 923 000 + 423 000
2 S S – Cost of sales, thousand $ 1 110 000 1 375 000 + 275 000
3 Z K – The average cost of borrowed capital, thousand $ 680 000 875 000 + 195 000
4 S K – The average cost of equity, thousand $ 1 000 000 1 250 000 + 250 000
5 V A – The average value of non-current assets, thousand $ 900 000 1 200 000 + 300 000
6 O A – The average value of current assets, thousand $ 780 000 925 000 + 145 000
7 S A – Value of assets (capital) or balance sheet currency, thousand $ (3 + 4) и (5 + 6) 1 680 000 2 125 000 + 445 000
8 P – Net profit, thousand $ 200 000 350 000 + 150 000
9 Rf – Financial profitability8/4 = (10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 15 * 16) 0.20 0.28 + 0.08
10 Coefficient of financial risk (3/4) F1 0.68 0.70 0.02
11 The ratio of total capital to borrowed (7/3) F2 2.470588 2.428571 -0.042017
12 Share of immobilization capital in total capital (5/7) F3 0.535714 0.564706 0.028992
13 The ratio of current and non-current capital (6/5) F4 0.866667 0.770833 -0.095833
14 The ratio of the cost of production to current assets (2/6) F5 1.410256 1.486486 0.076230
15 The ratio of profit and cost of production (1/2) F6 1.363636 1.398545 0.034909
16 Profitability of sales (8/1) F7 0.133333 0.182007 0.048674
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