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New Economic Encyclopaedia |
Constantly renewed, having a cyclical nature of the production process. Includes the reproduction of all factors of production. |
Modern Economic Dictionary |
The reconstruction of the expended factors of production (natural resources, labor, means of production) through their subsequent production. Reproduction of capital is a constant renewal of capital. Reproduction is simple reproduction in unchanged sizes, expanded is in ever increasing dimensions. |
Financial Dictionary |
the reconstruction of the expended factors of production through their subsequent production. In the economic theory, the reproduction of capital, simple reproduction and expanded reproduction are distinguished. |
The Big Economic Dictionary |
Social production, considered as a continuously repeating process in an indissoluble relationship with distribution, exchange and consumption. Production is decisive in relation to other aspects and phases: distribution, exchange and consumption, both in social form and in material maintenance. It includes the reproduction of the means of production and labor, which constitute the productive forces of society and production relations. In modern conditions. should be innovative in nature, that is, based on the achievements of scientific and technological revolution. It is important to reproduce the modern worker - creative, capable of mastering the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution, the owner, the organizer of production, economically interested in increasing the efficiency of production, as the product of production relations, includes property relations on a qualitatively new basis: the multifaceted nature of its forms, creating equal conditions for their development, democratization, the formation and development of civilized, regulated market relations, the renewal of the entire economic mechanism. |
Political Economy Dictionary |
Constant repetition, continuous renewal of the production process. All reproduction is primarily the reproduction of material goods, or the aggregate social product. It also includes the reproduction of the labor force and those production relations within which it is carried out. There are two types of reproduction: simple and extended. With simple reproduction, the production process resumes at a constant rate. With expanded reproduction, production resumes on ever-increasing scales. |