Index |
Order of calculation |
Parameters group 1. Creation and usage of IP |
Number of patent applications for the results of intellectual activity (RIA) and means of individualization |
Absolute values. Data source – Rospatent. |
Number of granted patents |
Number of RIA, used by the organizations of the region |
Number of registered patent expropriation agreements |
Number of registered exclusive license agreements |
Number of registered non-exclusive license agreements |
Number of patents, for which the agreements for disposition of the exclusive right for the IP have been registered |
Investments into the IP objects in the region’s composition of investment |
The ratio of investments into IP objects to the aggregate investments into non-financial assets, %. |
The intensity of expenses for purchasing patent rights and licenses |
The ratio of the regional organizations’ expenses for the acquisition of rights for patents and licenses to the GRP, %. |
The population’s inventive activity coefficient |
Number of invention patents and utility model patents applications for 10000 ppl. |
Parameters group 2. Innovational activity of the regional organizations |
Number of created advanced manufacturing technologies |
Absolute values. Data source – Rosstat. |
Number of used advanced manufacturing technologies |
The intensity of expenses for technological innovations |
The relation of regional organizations’ expenses for technological innovations and the GRP, %. |
The intensity of expenses for research and development |
The relation of regional organizations’ internal costs for research and development and the GRP, %. |
The relative share of innovational goods, works, services in the total sales amount of the region’s organizations |
The relation of revenue from the sales of innovational goods and services, and the total sales revenue, %. |
The innovational activity of the industrial production |
The relation of the number of industrial enterprises, which implement technological innovations, and the total number of industrial enterprises in the region. |
Parameters group 3. Institutions and regulations |
Sufficiency of patent lawyers |
Number of patent lawyers for 10000 ppl (or for 1000 people, engaged in research and development).Data source – Rospatent, Rosstat. |
The existence of cooperation agreement between Rospatent and the regional administration |
Point scoring: «yes» - 1 point, «no» - 0 points.Data source – Rospatent. |
The existence of cooperation agreements between the Federal Institute of Industrial Property (FIIP) and reference entities in the region |
The absolute value of the number of agreements.Data source – Rospatent. |
Carrying out informational and training events in the sphere of patent and licensing work, legal protection, commercialization and protection of IP (forums, conferences, seminars) |
The absolute value of the number of activities or the point scoring: «yes» - 1 point, «no» - 0 points. Data source – experts – representatives of the region. |
The availability of higher education institutions, preparing specialists in the IP sphere in the region |
Point scoring: «yes» - 1 point, «no» - 0 points. Data source – experts – representatives of the region. |
The availability of RIA databases of the region’s organizations, demand for innovational technologies of the region’s enterprises, for specialists in the IP sphere |
The absolute value of the number of databases or the point scoring: «yes» - 1 point, «no» - 0 points. Data source – experts – representatives of the region. |
The legal literacy in the sphere of IP |
Average expert evaluation in the range from 0 to 10 points.Data source – experts – representatives of the region. |
The development level of RIA commercialization infrastructure (business incubators, IP centers and technology transfer) |
Corruption in the R&D sphere and innovational infrastructure |
Protection of rights for IP |
The support of IP market development by the regional government of the corresponding region |