Self-Assessment Of Student Sports Clubs Specialists On Leading Components Of Professional Activity


The article reveals the results of the self-assessment of the professional effectiveness of student’s sports clubs in the leading components of professional activity. An actual problem, from the point of view of professional perfection of the specialists of student sports clubs, is the definition of the basic conditions and characteristics that affect their professional effectiveness. As the main approach to the solution of this task approach there was used an approach which provided a self-assessment of professional competence of specialists of the sports sphere in the leading components of professional activity. The analysis of success of professional activity of the studied categories was carried out on the basis of a methodology for assessing of information competence, creative potential of the specialist, pedagogical culture, assessing the skills to analyze and use advanced pedagogical technologies and assessments of the professional pedagogical orientation in activities. The results of self-assessment of various aspects of professional activity were supplemented by the results of an expert survey. Subjects of the sports organizations of various level heads student's sports, and sports managers, trainer's structure acted as respondents. Besides, to expert poll also experts who on the functional mission, more, corresponded to the status of an object of management (teachers, employees of administrative personnel, athletes) were attracted. Thus, cross estimation on a subject and subject basis was carried out that allowed to obtain more objective information on character and features of process of professional improvement of specialists of sports clubs of various profile.

Keywords: Physical culture and sportsprofessional effectivenessself-esteemstudent sports club


The results of the conducted research testify that the revealed specific features of professional activity of various categories of specialists of student sports clubs allow us to talk about the uniqueness of each profile and its particular nuances, which need to be taken into account in the training of sports specialists of a certain category.

A comprehensive analysis of the professional effectiveness of specialists was carried out on the basis of self-assessment methods: information competence, creativity, pedagogical culture, skills to analyze and use advanced pedagogical technologies and professional pedagogical assessments in practice (Bolotin, Schegolev, & Bakaev, 2014).

Professional perfection of experts of student's sports clubs.

As the basic approach to the decision of professional perfection of experts of student's sports clubs the approach which provided a self-estimation of professional efficiency of experts of fizkulturno-sports sphere on leading components of professional work was used.

Determining the professional effectiveness of the students of sports clubs

The questionnaires were divided into three groups of research questions:

  • the first - in the main areas of professional activity: administrative and pedagogical work, sports-methodical work, educational work, organizational work;

  • the second - on the psychological and pedagogical components of the professional activity structure of the specialist: the gnostic component, the constructive component, the organizational component;

  • the third - on the components of the management structure: a strategic component, an operational component, an analytical component.

We considered separate indicators from the point of view of their belonging simultaneously to two or even to three directions of professional activity simultaneously (Shchegolev, Sushchenko, & Piskun, 2017).

In connection with the foregoing, the purpose of this study was to determine the professional effectiveness of the students of sports clubs in the leading components of professional work based on self-assessment (Bolotin, Shchegolev, & Bakayev, 2014).

Problem Statement

The results of the questionnaire are presented in Table. 1 . The obtained data on the first question recorded the respondents' opinion about the need for information knowledge in all categories of specialists (Shchegolev, Lipovka, & Korshunov, 2016).

The need for information knowledge.

At the same time, the need for information knowledge has been largely fixed in the heads of student sports clubs and sports managers - 96.8% and 99.5%, respectively. The other categories of respondents also have a need for professional information (Bolotin & Bakayev, 2017).

Table 1 -
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The qualitative composition of the listed methods

In the course of the study, the qualitative composition of the listed methods was subjected to a certain adjustment in accordance with the nature and specificity of the activity of the research object. In all, 78 respondents were involved in the study (Bakayev, Vasilyeva, Kalmykova, & Razinkina, 2018).

Research Questions

Knowledge of specialization, general and communicative culture

The majority of the experts surveyed highly appreciated the level of their professional preparedness in such areas as knowledge of specialization, general and communicative culture, as well as organizational abilities. A slightly more modest respondents rated their methodical readiness, their propensity for research and their susceptibility to innovations (Bolotin & Bakayev, 2017).

The expert survey

The content of the expert survey included assessments to determine the significant components of professional activity, establish links between individual components of activities, identify the importance of these links and the weight of individual components, study the factor structure of professional action; the definition of certain types of managerial-pedagogical and coaching activities; comparison of subjects with these activities and identification of the possibility of their implementation; the development of tools for assessing the professional competence of students' sports clubs (Bolotin, Piskun, & Pogodin, 2017).

Comparative analysis of the features of professional activity based on the results of self-assessment of specialists of student sports clubs allows us to isolate the general and special, ie, characteristic features of each profile (Bolotin, Sushchenko, Bobrishchev, & Chunguan, 2016).

Purpose of the Study

The main features of professional activity, determined by their specificity, can be traced in the following five positions: the leading types of professional activity, marked by the experts themselves on the basis of ranking; social prestige of the specialty, job satisfaction and leading motivation; the main difficulties in the work, marked by the experts themselves; information, legal and economic literacy (Burov, 2008).

The leading types of professional activity

Considering the leading types of professional activity, it can be noted that the leaders of student sports clubs as the leading distinguish the organizational activities of the coaching staff - organizational and physical training also sports managers - organizing and competitive (Shchegolev, Sivak, Kochin, & Egorov, 2016).

The main activity – organizational

Thus, all specialists noted as the main activity - organizational. However, despite the external similarity of choice, the nature and conditions of professional activity of these specialists have significant differences (Schyogolev, 2014).

Thus, 76% of sports club managers have as their main objective the involvement of as many students as possible in organizing sports activities, organizing and conducting sports competitions, coordinating work on various aspects of the functioning of clubs.

97% of the coaching staff as the leading allocate the organization of the training and educational process with the athletes, the training of prospective athletes from among students.

86% of sports managers see the main part of their organizational activities in providing high-quality training and competitive processes, training of judicial and sports assets, the conduct of work among coaches and athletes.

The social prestige of the specialty

The social prestige of the specialty has a serious impact on the effectiveness of professional activities. The results of the research show that all groups of respondents highly appreciate the prestige of the chosen profession, but at the same time 54% note a dissatisfaction with their work due to socio-economic difficulties (Sushchenko, Shchegolev, & Korshunov, 2016).

Except the difficulties caused by the economic reasons, most of experts (78%) note difficulties of innovative character: lack of timely information, large volume of unplanned work, insufficient opportunities of professional development, etc. (Schegolev & Novoseltsev, 2015).

The most important condition for effective professional work 84% of respondents noted the need for a socially oriented focus in management activities, as well as information literacy of specialists in the physical culture (Pogodin, Piskun, & Samorukov, 2018).

Research Methods

To implement the tasks of professional development of students' sports clubs, as well as other categories of management of the development of student sport in St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Peter the Great, a permanent intercollegiate educational information and methodical center was established.

The organization of the pedagogical experiment consisted of three parts.

The main task of the first part of the experiment was to increase the professional competence of various categories of subjects of management of the development of student sport in the university on the basis of obtaining special knowledge (Kuznetsov, Kuraleva, & Santynov, 2008).

The educational information and methodological center

For this purpose, on the basis of the educational information and methodological center, a series of theoretical and methodical studies was held within the framework of a permanent seminar on the improvement of the qualifications of various categories of subjects of management of the development of student sport in the university.

The main tasks of this center were:

  • Collection and analysis of information on various areas of development of student sports.

  • Providing with the necessary information on organizational and managerial, legal, educational-methodological, psychological-pedagogical, applied, sports-technical and other issues of managing the development of student sport.

  • Creation of conditions for professional self-improvement and self-development of various categories of subjects of management of the development of student sports.

  • Providing opportunities for interaction between subjects of management of the development of student sport with regional and federal sports structures on the basis of constant information exchange.

  • Normative and legal support of educational and methodological fees, seminars, sports competitions and other forms of activity of subjects of management of the development of student sports (Burov, Erohina, & Fedorova, 2014).

The model of professional improvement of management specialists

For the purpose of experimental verification of the pedagogical capabilities of the model of professional improvement of management specialists in the development of student sports clubs, a pedagogical experiment (2016-2017) was organized on the basis of the interuniversity center. Selection of the necessary teaching and methodological material, development of content, forms and methods of conducting classes was carried out by highly qualified specialists who have rich experience in managing the development of student sport in the university.

The curriculum was designed for 80 hours, of which: 40 - under the guidance of teachers and 40 - in the form of independent work.

The peculiarity of the program was that it included specific lecture and seminar classes, the content of which revealed the essence and directions of using social and pedagogical technologies of management activity.

On examples from the practice of managing the development of student sports in the university, specific psychological and pedagogical situations were examined to improve the process of managing the sporting improvement of student youth.

In the process of training, conditions were created for self-improvement of subjects of management of the development of student sports in the university. They were provided with individual assistance in the form of consultations on the subject of the experimental program, educational and methodological developments and literature were offered.

The sequence of the program included a step-by-step mastering of educational and methodological material. At the first stage, a lecture course of information content was conducted, aimed at the formation and assimilation of theoretical knowledge on problematic issues of managing the development of student sport in the university.

In the course of further study of the program material, emphasis was placed on the features of the process of managing the sporting improvement of student youth and advanced forms of instruction (business games, trainings, round table seminars, etc.). The result of training was the preparation and protection of the abstract on a given topic by various categories of subjects of management of the development of student sports in the university.

The implementation and verification of the effectiveness of the acquired knowledge, skills and habits in the socially-oriented style of management of the development of student sport in the university in practical activity formed the second part of the pedagogical experiment. On the basis of self-assessments and expert assessments, data were recorded that characterize the success of management activity, possession of methods of psychological and pedagogical influence on students, attitudes toward them, the level of authority,

The final part of the pedagogical experiment was made by studies on the dynamics of the main indicators of the management of the development of student sport in the university for the period 2016-2017.


The results of the first part of the experiment showed its rather high educational effectiveness. The indicators of success in the formation of theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities obtained in the course of the experiment in different categories of specialists of students' sports clubs testify to the importance and expediency of the proposed form of improving professional competence in the socially-oriented style of managing the development of student sport in the university (Vengerova, Lyuik, & Piskun, 2016).

The self-assessments of the subjects and the experts' assessments

The data presented in Table 2 indicate the coincidence of the self-assessments of the subjects and the experts' assessments of the degree of assimilation of the program material. This is confirmed by the level of satisfaction with the subjects of management of the development of student sport in the university, who took part in the experiment, the content and methods of organizing classes.

The results of mastering the experimental program by various categories of subjects of management of the development of student sport in general show a simultaneous dynamics of positive shifts.

However, with a more detailed examination of the results obtained, it is possible to note certain differences.

The lowest initial indicators are observed among employees of the structural units of the university, who do not have direct contact with student athletes (Yarchikovskaya, Kovalenko, Mironova, Tokareva, & Ustinova, 2018).

Table 2 -
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As for the results of success of training, the group management development subjects University Sports cathedral care they are more pronounced than in the other.

The results shown in Figure 1 . reflect the success of training a significant proportion of the subjects.

Figure 1: Indicators of the success of mastering the subjects of management of the development of student sports by experimental subjects, depending on the initial level of preparedness
Indicators of the success of mastering the subjects of management of the development of
       student sports by experimental subjects, depending on the initial level of preparedness
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The subjects of management.

So, before the start of the training, only 6.8% of the subjects of management had a solid knowledge of the issues of social and personal management of the development of student sport, at the end of the experiment this number was 35.1%. Conversely, the number of people with a rather low level of knowledge, skills and skills in socially-oriented management style decreased from 21.4% to 3.5%.

This fact may indicate a rather high motivation of this category of specialists to the social and personal style of managing the development of student sports, to understand the necessity, importance and prospects of introducing socially-oriented technologies in sports and management practice. This is particularly evident in the results of satisfaction of the subjects with the content of the knowledge obtained and the methodology for professional improvement.


The nature of the results of the research indicates that the revealed features of the professional activities of various categories of specialists of student sports clubs attest to the uniqueness of each category and its particular nuances that require adjusting and taking into account the content of training programs for sports professionals of a certain profile.

Presented data also indicate a rather pronounced orientation of subjects of management of the development of student sport on the need to obtain and use them knowledge of social management in the practice of sports and training work with students.

In the process of conducting the formative experiment, a significant correlation was established between the evaluation of the degree of formation of social and managerial knowledge of managing the development of student sports and the level of their importance in practical activities.


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30 December 2018

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Communication studies, educational equipment,educational technology, computer-aided learning (CAL), science, technology

Cite this article as:

Schegolev, V., Suschenko, V., & Agaev, R. (2018). Self-Assessment Of Student Sports Clubs Specialists On Leading Components Of Professional Activity. In V. Chernyavskaya, & H. Kuße (Eds.), Professional Сulture of the Specialist of the Future, vol 51. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 376-385). Future Academy.