Forming Of The Professional Success Of Students In The University


The article is devoted to the problem of forming of the professional success of future managers of education within the requirements of a modern, personal-oriented educational paradigm. In the course of solving of the first research task, the modern professional requirements to the personality of the modern manager of education are defined in the work and is proved that these requirements can be realized in the system of master's education under the influence of methodological approaches which are structured the modern educational paradigm. The article deals with cultural, active-creative and dialogical (polysubject) methodological approaches and with their role in the forming of the professional success of the future managers of education. In the work it is proved that the advancement and success of an individual are conditioned by the social nature of a person and are manifested in human behavior and activity. At the same time, the ability of a person, the level of his preparedness, and the presence of motivation of achievement play an important role in successful behavior and activity. In general, such activities can be considered successful activity if its results have the necessary social and personal significance and correspond to the originally set performance goals. At the same time, the professional success of the manager of education is manifested in specific conditions of managerial activity in educational institutions.

Keywords: Educational paradigmmethodological approachsuccessmanagerial activityprofessional successstrategies of professional success


Management in higher education is a specific activity in which due planning, direction and control stipulate the necessary organization of joint activities of students, teachers, staff of the educational institution and its general orientation towards the achievement of the set goals and the achievement of relevant educational results. The professional competence of the education manager is structured by managerial, pedagogical, communicative, diagnostic, research, activity-oriented components and determined by the appropriate qualitative level of the specialist's knowledge, skills, degree of development of the creative potential of his personality, ability to independence, initiative in decision-making, general professional success, generally required to the manager for the optimal implementation of their managerial educational functions (Abrailova, 2011). The indicated requirements to the quality of the professional training of managers of education determine the need for a general orientation of the process of this preparation on the normative requirements of the modern humanistic educational paradigm, which presupposes such organization of professional education of undergraduates, in which the educational process as a whole is accentuated by the personality of the learner, his individual identity, subjectivity, self-regulating training to achieve a common professional success (Bondarevskaya, 2016; Yakimanskaya, 2011; Knowles, 2015; Razinkina, et al., 2018).

Problem Statement

Meanwhile, as the real practice shows, when preparing undergraduates for the "Management in Education" program (the direction of "Pedagogical Education"), the organization of the educational process as a whole is still oriented on the principles of the traditional educational paradigm, characterized by the lack of orientation of vocational training for developing the creative potential of the individual students, their ability to achieve professional success (Yegorova & Lopatuhina, 2017).

The need to resolve the contradiction between modern requirements for the qualitative level of training of managers of education and the inability to fully implement these requirements within the framework of the methodological significance of the traditional educational paradigm demanded a study on the topic: "The modern educational paradigm: to the problem of forming the professional success of future education managers".

Research Questions

To carry out the study and substantiate the structural and content characteristics of the humanistic educational paradigm in the vocational training of masters of the program "Management in Education", the direction of preparation "Pedagogical Education".

Identify the essential characteristics of the professional success of the personality of the manager of education, show the methodological role of the modern humanistic educational paradigm in the process of forming the indicated success.

In the logic of solving problems, research issues related to the substantiation of methodological approaches that contribute to the formation of professional success of graduates of the university were considered.

Purpose of the Study

To determine the significance of the formation of professional success among students in the process of studying at a university in the context of the demands of the modern labor market; determination of the essence of the phenomenon professional success and justification of methodological approaches that ensure the formation of professional success of managers of education in the process of studying at the magistracy.

Research Methods

The research was carried out using a set of methods: analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources and regulatory legal documents; generalizations of theoretical positions and empirical data; analysis of pedagogical experience; psychological and pedagogical observation; analysis and generalization of the experience of monitoring in the field of education, expert evaluation.


When solving the first research problem it was found that the overall effectiveness of professional training in the university, the formation of professional success of their personality as a whole, according to domestic and foreign researchers is determined by the quality of the educational process (Shiyanov, 2007; Andrade &Ying Du, 2007; Biggs & Tang, 2007).

Qualitative education in the basic aspect is provided by a methodological basis fully in line with the current trends in the development of international educational practice. The choice of an effective general methodology of modern master's education requires an appeal to the categorical meaning of the notion of a paradigm. In the opinion of domestic authors, this concept is legitimately interpreted as a set of scientific views, beliefs, values recognized by one or another scientific community as the fundamental basic basis of pedagogical theories and educational practices for a sufficiently long historical period (Bobryshov, 2006).

At present, about two dozen educational paradigms are grounded in domestic pedagogical science by researchers. Nevertheless, all paradigms are classified on two grounds: traditional, oriented mainly to the broadcast to future education managers of professionally conditioned knowledge, skills, and personality-oriented, presupposing, first of all, the disclosure and development of the creative potential of the individual undergraduates (Bobryshov, 2006).

In the domestic master's education there is a steady need for the transformation of the traditional educational paradigm into a person-oriented, humanistic one. At the same time, the humanistic educational paradigm, having a methodological significance, is structured by a system of basic approaches that determine the general direction and relevant principles for the organization and implementation of professional training for future education managers. We found that the personal-oriented humanistic paradigm of professional training of masters can be represented by cultural, activity-creative and dialogic (polysubject) approaches.

The culturological approach in terms of meaning operates with conceptual characteristics of the basic category "culture". It should be noted that modern domestic and foreign science uses several hundred definitions of culture in its thesaurus. Nevertheless, common to all of its definitions is the understanding of man as a subject of cultural development. In this interpretation, culture is a qualitative characteristic of the result of man's overcoming of his biological nature, the formation of himself as a person. In the designated definition, culture characterizes only that which is produced by the society, which ensures the self-development and self-improvement of the human personality, the development of its creative, moral and spiritual essence (Shiyanov, 2007; Aladyshkin, Kulik, Michurin, & Anosova, 2017). Thus, the orientation towards on the culturological approach in master's education determines such a construction of the professional training of future education managers, which ensures the overall cultural and intercultural formation of their personality, which is one of the basic conditions for their future professional success (Byram & Zarate, 2006; Klochkova, Volgina, Dementyev, & Klochkov, 2016).

Culture is the result of social creativity, so the next paradigmatic foundation of master's education can be represented by an activity-creative approach.

In due time, Rubinshtein (1999) characterized human activity as the leading determinant of the formation of human consciousness, personal qualities and properties, which in turn determine the processes of regulation of the activity of a person. Human consciousness, as the researcher believed, is an internal, subjective cause of any activity initiated by the person himself as its subject. The subject in the activity is characterized by an active, creative essence. Therefore, the disclosure and development of the creative potential of the personality of the future manager of education in the process of professional training is conditioned by his position of the subject of educational activity in the conditions of the educational process of the university (Andrade & Ying Du, 2007).

Consideration of the essential characteristics of the phenomenon of creativity, involves the actualization of its basic features - the novelty of the result obtained. In this regard, creativity is an activity in which a person creates a new product that can be represented by a new thing or phenomenon of the objective world, or the result of the development of the essential forces of the personality (Vygotsky, 1969). In general, the orientation of the process of professional training of future education managers on the activity-creative approach allows to fully reveal the creative potential of their personality, which in modern conditions is an indispensable determinant of the formation of professional success of the relevant specialists.

Structuring of the system of conditions for educational creativity in master's education requires an appropriate organization of pedagogical interaction between teachers and students. The effectiveness of this interaction is provided by its general orientation towards the requirements of a dialogical (polysubject) approach and self-regulated learning (Yakimanskaya, 2011; Zimmerman & Schunk, 1989).

Communication is an interdisciplinary category, as it is studied by a number of different humanitarian disciplines: philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, general and social psychology, and other sciences. All listed scientific disciplines determine communication in the context of the specific characteristics of their subject area. The most scientifically justified is understanding communication as one of the specific activities. In pedagogy, communication is defined as the main means of carrying out pedagogical activity. Proceeding from this, the organization of pedagogical communication should be oriented towards the creation of the most optimal conditions for the emergence of subject-subject (polysubject) forms of pedagogical interaction presupposing a relative equality of teachers and undergraduates in the educational process of the university (Shiyanov, 2007).

In general, a dialogical approach to the organization of pedagogical interaction presupposes the acceptance by the teacher of the personality of the undergraduate as an unconditional value, which is one of the basic conditions for democratization of relations between subjects of the educational process (Shiyanov, 2007; Knowles, 2015).

On the whole, the definition of a person-oriented educational paradigm as a scientific and normative basis for the professional training of future education managers made it possible to proceed with the solution of the second task of our study.

The solution of the second research task was predetermined by considering a basic category such as "success".

It was found that success is due to the social nature of man, the manifestation of his essential forces. The constructive development of the personality occurs under the influence of the dynamic equilibrium of two interconnected aspects of the person's life path, in which the tendencies of interaction between the individual and the society manifest themselves: the person's "inclusion" in society and at the same time "isolation" from him, ie, personality on the one hand must be integrated into society, be one with it, on the other - it is important for a person to stand out, show his creative individuality, be noticed by others, be socially recognized. The contradiction between these basic trends that triggers the leading socio-psychological mechanisms of a person's personal success (the very word "success" is etymologically related to the word "succeed", which means self-affirmation of a person in society, its isolation in it, its conformity to social indicators of prosperity).

Realization of personality in life, professional, creative achievements occurs in various forms of success. Researchers update four such forms: 1) effective success, based on a certain social recognition of a person; 2) success, characterized by recognition of the person by "significant others"; 3) success in the form of overcoming difficulties in both personal self-determination in problem life situations; 4) success as the realization of one's own, including vocational vocation, in which not only the result is significant, but the activity itself (Tulchinsky, 1990).

Theoretical analysis of the research problem posed allowed us to state that the personality oriented toward success should be regarded as a particular kind of human activity, which is both a means and a result of the development of the personality. At the same time, the achievement of success in behavior and activity is legitimate in the context of the systemic integrity of the processes of social adaptation and the corresponding creative self-realization of the person's personality in society. Therefore, the success of the individual in behavior and activity is always determined by her (personality) by the essential creative principle. At the same time, human abilities, the level of the person's preparedness for action, and the person's sustainable motivation for achievement have fundamental importance in achieving success.

On the whole, the analysis of the investigated problem made possible to establish that under the successful activity it is legitimate to understand activities whose results are characterized by stable public and personal significance and, in general, correspond to the originally planned and set goals. In this context, successful activity is the realized direction of the individual to achieve the desired success in a particular area of activity. At the same time, it was established that the phenomena of successful activity and successful human behavior are important to be considered in dialectical unity.

An appeal to the problem of the professional success of the personality of the manager of education made it possible to establish that the indicated success may or may not be manifested in the management system characterized by a pronounced specificity that affects the professional development of the relevant specialist, both constructively and destructively. The destructive influence of specific features of managerial activity leads to certain professional deformities of the manager's personality. Proceeding from this professional success, the manager in education, on the one hand, assumes that the specialist has a developed ability to successfully defend against professional destruction, and on the other hand, the ability to develop effective strategies for his professional behavior and activities. At the same time, the constructive strategic perspective of the professional development of the personality of the manager of education is determined by the following components of his professional success: professional mastery, the overall effectiveness of managerial activity and its high result, the standard of personal and business communication (Edge, 2002). It is important to update the following personal indicators of the professional success of the education manager: high quality level of professional discipline; presence of socially recognized professional abilities; constructive business interaction with subordinates; general personal satisfaction with the process and the result of one's own professional activity (Fallows, 2013).


Successful professional behavior of the manager of education allows the personality of a specialist to effectively master constructive behavioral and activity-related technologies that make it possible for a manager to achieve success in professional activity in educational institutions. At the same time, effective professional training of future education managers is conditioned by its (preparation) orientation on the methodological requirements of the personality-oriented, humanistic educational paradigm that allows to disclose the individual cognitive, creative abilities of each student; develop his ability to self-knowledge, self-actualization, self-realization, self-determination; form a culture of life, giving the specialist the opportunity to productively build their own professional life.


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30 December 2018

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Future Academy



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Communication studies, educational equipment,educational technology, computer-aided learning (CAL), science, technology

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Klushina, N., Roshchupkina, V., & Klushina, E. (2018). Forming Of The Professional Success Of Students In The University. In V. Chernyavskaya, & H. Kuße (Eds.), Professional Сulture of the Specialist of the Future, vol 51. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 369-375). Future Academy.