Skills (pragmatic component) |
Descriptors A2 |
Grade (from 0 to 10) |
1.Join the dialogue/discussion with colleagues on a professional topic (S1) |
Can exchange information on the topic of “Legal education”, can express an opinion on a practical problem when directly asked about it, provided that he/she is helped to formulate an idea, can ask to repeat the key points if necessary |
2. Speak in public for legal education of foreign interlocutors (S2) |
Can clearly and consistently explain the features of his/her own system of legal education to his/her French colleagues, paying attention to the similarities and differences in comparison with the Russian counterpart |
3.Show tolerance, empathy, openness and friendliness when interacting with representatives of another culture (S3) |
Can promote intercultural exchange with francophone students using simple words to ask the interlocutors to explain something and get explanations on what they say. Uses a limited repertoire of linguistic tools to express consent, invitation, gratitude, etc. |
4. Decode and adequately interpret the speech and non-verbal behavior of the communication partner (S4) |
Can correctly interpret the message and the reaction of the interlocutor, adapt his/her line of behavior in accordance with this reaction. |
0 – Unable to do it;1-2 - Will experience very serious, almost insuperable difficulties;3-4 - Can cope with the task, provided that the interlocutor is mindful of his/her difficulties, helps formulate the idea, responds to a request to reformulate something;5-6 In general, can cope with the task, but not sure of his/her abilities;7-8 Can cope with the task if preliminary training and preparation is provided;9-10 Will not experience any problems. |
Knowledge (cognitive component) |
Grade (from 0 to 5) |
Features of higher legal education in Russia and France (K1) |
Terms in connection with the topic «legal education» (K2) |
Features of public speech addressed to foreigners (K3) |
Features of presentations in the French language (K4) |