Articles |
Identification of the study |
Method |
Participants / Sample |
Objectives |
Article 1 |
Júnior, W.P., & Zanini, D.S. (2011). Coping Strategies of Oncology Patients in Radiation Therapy. Psychology: Theory and Research, 27(4), 491-497. |
Cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational study |
60 cancer patients, aged 26-82 years (20 men and 40 women) |
To analyze stress, coping strategies, resilience and subjective well-being in cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy |
Key Findings |
The results show that the use of the direct coping strategy is associated with a higher level of resilience and positive affect, while the use of the avoidance strategy increases the perception of negative affect and decreases the positive affect. Coping strategies may interfere with subjective well-being and may establish a significant relationship with resilience factors in cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy. |
Critical review of quality |
6 positive and 2 unclear answers |
Article 2 |
Rodrigues, F.S.S. de, & Polidori, M.M. (2012). Confrontation and resilience of patients undergoing chemotherapy and their relatives. Brazilian Journal of Cancerology; 58 (4), 619-627. |
Qualitative study |
3 patients admitted to ahospital in the periodfrom October 2009 to March 2010, and 3 family members |
Understand the process of coping with the disease and the resilience of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and their relatives. |
Key Findings |
Patients have demonstrated that the hospitalization process and the side effects of treatment interfere with their family and social relationships. Participants use two strategies to address the problem: focusing on the problem and focusing on emotion. The information obtained suggests that chemotherapeutic treatment interferes with the way patients and their families face the disease and the process of resilience. It was found that the treatment contributes to the development of resilience, promoting greater use of the protective factors of the participants. |
Critical review of quality |
8 affirmative questions |
Article 3 |
Amaro, L.S. (2013). Resilience in breast cancer patients: the meaning of life as a protection mechanism. Logos & Existence. Journal of the Brazilian Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, 2 (2), 147-161. |
Qualitative study |
5 women with breast neoplasia in the 49-60 age group. |
Investigate the factorswhich promote resilience in patients with breast cancer, according to the experience of each woman. |
Key Findings |
Women, using experiential and attitudinal values during the treatment process, were able to find meaning in the fact that they became ill and in their own lives, favoring resilient behaviors |
Critical review of quality |
9 questões afirmativas |
Article 4 |
Galvan, D.C., Kaufmann, G., Brustolin, A.M., & Ascari, R.A. (2013). Perception of leukemia patients before hospitalization. Rev Enferm UFSM; 3 (Eng.), 647-657. |
Qualitative study |
7 adult patients aged 18-60 years of both sexes with leukemia admitted to an oncology clinic. |
Investigate the perception that the adult patient with leukemia attributes to the hospitalization process and how to face the disease and treatments |
Critical review of quality |
9 affirmative questions |
Key Findings |
The patient seeks to resist the disease process and the physical and emotional upheavals that the disease brings, allowing him to rethink his existence and find ways of resilience to face this condition. The ability to overcome adverse situations and give new meaning to life has resulted in resilience. Patient beliefs and those shared with the family contribute to increased resilience because they influence how they deal with the difficulties inherent in the disease and its treatment. |
Article 5- |
Tomaz, L.A., Junior, E.F.V., & Carvalho, P.M.G. (2015). Confrontation and resilience of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. R. Interd .; v. 8, 2, 195-201. |
Integrative literature review |
Primary Studies |
To identify aspects related to the way of facing the disease and resilience of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. |
Critical review of quality |
Score of 95% |
Key Findings |
The ways patients use to cope with illness are religious worship, seeking spiritual comfort, followed by seeking the support of family and friends. The patient who discovers that he has cancer demonstrates a series of feelings, but he tries to overcome these feelings by seeking support in God, getting away from the problem or even looking for information about the illness and the treatment. Some patients avoid the problem, others approach the problem. Resilience increases as time goes by and before treatments. |
Article 6 |
Somasundaram, R.O. (2016). A Comparative Study on Resilience, Perceived Social Support and Hopelessness Among Cancer Patients Treated with Curative and Palliative Care. Indian Journal of Palliative Care, Vol. 22, 2, 135-140. |
Studycontrolledrandomized |
60 cancer patients aged 18-65 years, randomly selected and divided in two treatment-based groups, namely curative care (n = 30) and palliative care (n = 30). |
To study the relationship between resilience, social support and hopelessness in cancer patients undergoing treatment. |
Critical review of quality |
Score of 92.5% |
Key Findings |
Resilience was significantly associated with less hopelessness and higher levels of supportive and social perception. Cancer patients are resilient. |
Article 7 |
Soratto, M.T., Silva, D.M., Zugno, P.I., & Daniel, R. (2016). Spirituality and resilience in cancer patients. Revista Saúde e Pesquisa, v. 9, 1, 53-63 |
Field researchwith qualitative descriptive approach |
10 cancer patients being treated at an oncology clinic |
Identify the importance of spirituality in resilience to cancer patients admitted to a hospital oncology unit |
Critical review of quality |
9 affirmative questions |
Key Findings |
The patients highlighted the difficulties faced by the illness process, reporting on the changes that have occurred in the family routine, in the activities of daily living and in the faith in God. They consider that there is influence of spirituality in the resilience to face the process of illness and treatment. |