Preparation Of The Future Teacher For Quality Management Educational Process


The problems of preparing future teachers for the management of the quality of the educational process is relevant today, since the effectiveness and high quality of the educational process is one of the main objectives of education. In connection with the urgency of the problem of preparing future teachers, factors that contribute to the effective preparation of the future teacher for the management of the quality of the educational process are identified: future teacher's conscious understanding of the role of quality management of educational process; availability of the purpose of training of future teacher for quality management of educational process and tracing it at all stages of preparation; desire of future teacher to perform self-preparation and self-development; selection of the training program taking into account specific features and characteristics of future teacher; an opportunity to staticize and apply by future teacher knowledges gained during training; a skills on work with information technologies; performance systematic independent and objective external control of success; application of modern and productive methods, forms and means of training; application of the "assessment" method ; mentoring; coaching. This problem is considered in the relationship between the quality management of the educational process and management. It is formulated definition that reveals the essence of quality management of the educational process on the basis of the analysis of the following concepts: quality, pedagogical management, quality of education, quality of the educational process, the subject, object and purpose of quality management of the educational process are designated;

Keywords: Managementquality of the educational processteacher training


Such category as "quality management" is applied worldwide in all spheres of human's activity today. It is possible to say with confidence that there is a philosophy "... General Quality management which make expansion on service trades and education" (Ibragimov, 2008).

Problem Statement

In this research, the following problem stands out: what are the factors that contribute to the effective preparation of the future teacher for the management of the quality of the educational process?

Research Questions

The following tasks will help achieve the main goal of the study:

  • Develop a definition that reveals the essence of quality management of the educational process.

  • Identify the subject, object and purpose of quality management of the educational process.

  • Identify the factors that contribute to the effective preparation of the future teacher to manage the quality of the educational process.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the research: to reveal the factors contributing to the effective preparation of the future teacher for the management of the quality of the educational process.

Research Methods

The research uses theoretical and empirical methods. Theoretical methods include analysis, synthesis, analogy and others. Empirical methods include studying the experience of universities and others.


Regarding emphasis on "management", scientists-teachers began to take a problem of quality management of educational process into account only in the last decade, earlier the pedagogics and pedagogical psychology worked mainly taking into account the principles of education and training. In the modern world, such category as "management" more and more extends to all fields of activity including on the pedagogical sphere. Indeed, some patterns, rules and bases of management can be used by management activity in the field of pedagogics and education.

Such author as Lvov (2008) considers questions of pedagogical management. It is the author's opinion that "pedagogical management is a kind of social management". Simonov (2007) considers that pedagogical management is a synonym of an organizational management activity of teacher as a complex of the principles, methods, organizational forms and processing methods of management of educational process that are directed to increase its efficiency. Also they suggest to define pedagogical management as a theory, methods, a technology of effective management of educational process which is based on set of philosophical, pedagogical, social, psychological, economic and managerial concepts, laws, patterns (Egorshina & Nikandrova, 2004). In our opinion, it is possible to understand pedagogical management as teacher's professional management activity on achievement of the planned purposes of educational process.

In considering of quality management of educational process, it is obviously possible to begin with determination of such concepts as "quality", "quality of education" and "quality of educational process". Determination of the concept "quality" of pedagogical science is offered by Davydova (2005) who means a set of certain properties which characterize essence of the object and his difference from others. Also quality is understood in an educational context as that educational institutions can offer pupils high quality of educational experience (Shishov, Kalney & Gibra, 2017).

The quality of educational process is a component of quality of education at all. Simonov (2018) holds that the quality of education needs to be considered from a position of achievement of the standard that it is the external parameter of students' education. The quality of education is considered by means of the following approaches: as the absolute assessment, as the set of properties, as the compliance to appointment, as the compliance to standards (Guskova, 2009). From a different perspective, the quality of education is the set of characteristics of educational process including implementation of its purposes, modern technologies and the conditions necessary for achievement of positive results (Davydova, 2005). Thus, it is possible to define quality of education as the system of characteristics, which show the level of knowledge, skills of pupils, and their satisfaction with the educational process.

There is a point of view that understands rational consecutive change of conditions of the educational environment providing the maximum development of the child as a quality of educational process (Shishov, Kalney & Gibra, 2017). It is represented as the most correct as the training process is the set of the consecutive and interconnected actions of teachers and pupils directed to conscious and strong assimilation of system of knowledge and skills, their forming in practice (Ibragimov, 2017; Ibragimova & Andrianova, 2011).

Thus, proceeding from the above-stated determinations, "quality management of educational process" means a professional management activity of the teacher of achievement of efficiency of interaction of subjects of training – teacher and pupil, directed to achievements of the educational purposes, providing, improvement and quality control of educational process. A subject of quality management of educational process is a teacher, an object – educational process. The purpose of quality management of educational process consists in improvement and increase the efficiency of quality of the educational process.

Training of the future teacher for the quality management of educational process is difficult and many-sided process. Despite the considerable number of scientific works on quality management of education and training of future teachers for quality management of educational process (Ibragimov, 2017; Rudnev, 2017; Shishov, Kalney, & Girba, 2017), there is the need of carrying out additional researches on the theory and practice of training of the future teacher for quality management of educational process in connection with modern changes in social and economic spheres of the country, regular increase in requirements to the teacher, updating of the teacher's activity as a manager. The training of the future teacher for quality management of educational process existing today does not give deep knowledges on patterns, rules, methods and other categories of management. Thus, identification of the factors which promote productive training of the future teacher for quality management of educational process will help to reach the better understanding about training of future teachers.

The factors promoting productive training of future teachers for quality management of educational process are:

1. Future teacher's conscious understanding of the role of quality management of educational process, need and importance of quality management of educational process, understanding that the good results can be achieved at effective management of quality of educational process.

2. Availability of the purpose of training of future teacher for quality management of educational process and tracing it at all stages of preparation. According to Ibragimov (2017), signs, which characterize the purpose, are the image of result, availability of requirement and aspiration and a certain period of time.

3. Desire of future teacher to perform self-preparation and self-development in the Quality Management of Educational Process direction. Besides, receiving the highest pedagogical education in parallel with of the higher education or passing of occupational retraining on the Management direction will help future teacher, from the point of view of the managing director, to look at the educational process and to involve mechanisms, means and methods of management.

4. Selection of the training program for the direction "Quality Management of Educational Process", "Pedagogical Management" taking into account specific features and characteristics of future teacher.

5. An opportunity to staticize and apply by future teacher knowledge gained during training of quality management of educational process and management. Capability to analyse the influence of the used controlling mechanisms, to adjust them depending on the received results, to predict accomplishment of an ultimate goal and to plan for a long-term and short-term outlook.

6. Rates of information technology development become double every year, the work on quality management of educational process at schools is conducted by means of technological support and in connection with this circumstance, future teacher needs to purchase skills on work with information technologies.

7. Performance systematic independent and objective external control of success of forming and development of knowledge and skills of future teacher of quality management of educational process.

8. Application of modern and productive methods, forms and means of training of future teacher for quality management of educational process.

9. Application of the method of complex staff evaluation "assessment" allowing to carry out regularly diagnostics of changes and professional growth of future teacher, to perform psychological maintenance and also to carry out the analysis of behaviour of future teacher delivered in the simulated situation.

10. Passing of future teacher through the flexible system of mentoring, which is capable to create motivation to the fastest professional formation, improvement of the knowledge, skills of quality management of educational process and self-realization. Future teacher, thanks to mentoring, will get support of the experienced professional mentor who will render him the practical and theoretical help, will increase his professionalism, to share experience. The purpose of mentoring consists in assistance to future teacher of implementation of as professional, to development of management skills, leader characteristics, skills in communication. Besides, mentoring is aimed at the development of a creative component of professional activity of future teacher. For accomplishment of the purpose of mentoring, there are individual discussions and consultations, master classes, tenders, forums, etc. The following requirements to the mentor are selected: availability of knowledge and work experience, ability to impart knowledge, personal desire to be engaged in mentoring, influence, responsibility and organization, regular training.

11. Application of coaching which represents disclosure of the person's potential for the purpose of the maximum increase in its efficiency. There are individual and group coach sessions. Carrying out the individual coach sessions makes bigger impact on future teacher in comparison with the group coach sessions as the trusting and confidential relationships are established. The purpose of the coach is stimulation and the direction of future teacher on self-training, ability to find necessary knowledge of training of pupils, search of new approaches of training of pupils and improvement of the knowledge, skills. By means of special, the technician the coach induces future teacher to address themselves, to the values then the purpose and a way on her achievement, which realizes the potential of future teacher forms and inspires him. Availability of the accurate formulated purpose and vision of a resulting effect stimulate future teacher on specific actions, achievement of good results, increase sensibleness, the responsibility, personal interest, motivation, etc. Thanks to coaching the new attitude and thinking which is based on a positive position and confidence in the forces develops.

12. The appeal to a mentoring at which the mentor gives professional support and the help to the ward and proposes according to the problem resolution. It should be noted that the relations between the mentor and the ward are based on mutual trust and honesty. The mentor visits the trial lessons conducted by future teacher during practice, analyses them, allocating positive and negative sides, defining, the lesson objectives are how achieved, and further carries out discussion with future teacher within whom professional needs of future teacher, the required material for carrying out lessons are defined. The mentor stimulates future teacher on independent activity and future teacher himself carries out the analysis of trial lessons, sets the purposes. At uprising of questions and problems of future teacher, the mentor helps to deal with them, at the same time he monitors forming at future teacher of his opinion and vision of the solution of questions and problems. Together with the mentor plans for lessons are developed, approaches to training are determined, then future teacher implements them in practice and looks at the received result, if necessary the analysis of a lesson is carried out again.

Categories "mentoring", "coaching", "mentoring" are close each other, however mentoring is directed on exchange of experience between the mentor and future teacher, coaching induces to self-training, self-development and self-improvement, mentoring combines characteristics of coaching, at the same time there is a theoretical base.

13. Future teacher needs to learn instantly, to react to any changes without nervousness, and to adapt to quickly changing environment. For the purpose of avoiding of possible future professional and emotional burning out because of the high level of tension, complexity of intellectual work, the raised loading, psycho-emotional and muscular tension it is necessary to learn resistance to stress in advance and also to own approaches to pupils with problem behaviour. Keeping a balanced mental state in a problem situation, the teacher will be able objectively to analyze and to take necessary actions.

For resistance to stress it is recommended to observe the following: the expense of a power reserve has to be accurate, emotions need to be kept under control, to adhere to moderation in emotional splashes, to carry out work with breaks, to find a part of free time for a hobby, etc. (Gataullin & Valeeva, 2017).


Implementation of the listed factors promoting productive training of future teacher for quality management of educational process will help to train future teacher for professional pedagogical activity most effectively and will reduce the period of adaptation of the teacher who only began the professional pedagogical activity. Future teacher understanding importance of quality management of educational process, knowing management bases, aiming at self-development, putting the theory of management into practice and analyzing the received results, able to work with information technologies and to control the emotional state, last assessment, mentoring, coaching and mentoring will be ready to professional activity on quality management of educational process at the high level.

The graduate prepared thus – future teacher will be able to conform to requirements of the modern employer who often goes for employ graduates who are capable to join collective and professional activity from the first day of work at school. To the graduate "... requirements connected not so much with the academic progress of the graduate, how many with their readiness and capability to work in the conditions of high loadings, the dynamic changes demanding many abilities of high professional character called as key qualifications, etc." (Ibragimov, 2008).


I express my gratitude to my scientific adviser – the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Elena Mihailovna Ibrahimova.


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05 September 2018

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Teacher training, teacher, teaching skills, teaching techniques

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Ibragimova, E., & Bagaeva, E. P. (2018). Preparation Of The Future Teacher For Quality Management Educational Process. In R. Valeeva (Ed.), Teacher Education - IFTE 2018, vol 45. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 576-581). Future Academy.