Diversification Of Models Of Migrant Childrens Education In Modern School


The relevance of this study is due to the processes taking place in the international and Russian educational space, associated with the search for new approaches to the market of educational services, which are now correlated with the idea of restructuring of the higher education system and with an increased attention to the diversification processes, allowing a maximum use of available resources and the best way to achieve educational goals. Today technical progress imposes the highest level of requirements to the quality of education, to the system of professional training. The transition to an innovative path of development involves close cooperation between educational institutions, science, innovation structures and authorities. Diversification of education as an integral socio-pedagogical phenomenon allows you to create a variety of educational paths based on individual capabilities, needs and abilities of the individual, as well as to identify ways to develop and implement mechanisms for the development of the educational system. Thus, there are objective conditions not only for expansion of professional knowledge, enrichment of experience, mastering by ways of cognitive, practical and social activity of the trained, but also for formation of the integral (amateur, creative, moral) personality. Today in education there is an objective need to create a set of models of professional activity of teachers working with migrant students in primary school.

Keywords: Migrantsdiversificationeducational activityprimary schoolprofessional competencetraining


In the context of the rapidly changing content of knowledge reformation of higher education in all countries is inevitable, the main directions of which are: continuity; diversification; integration; humanitarization; democratization; humanization; integration with science and manufacturing.

The continuity of education as an important methodological principle of cognition, ensuring integrity, consistency, formation of sustainable knowledge, skills, abilities in the process of teacher training, is considered as an important component of diversification. Continuing education means a lifelong process in which the integration of both the individual and the social aspects of the human personality and its activities plays an important role.

Diversification in education means transition from a multilevel structure of education to a variety of levels of receiving education. It is designed to expand the possibility of self-realization of individuals. Diversification of education is considered as an alternative to traditional education in terms of improving the educational process, which creates for the individual not only objective conditions for the expansion of basic knowledge, enrichment of experience, mastering the ways of cognitive, practical and social activities, but also contributes to creative and social development.

The processes of diversification in the education system are due to the need to resolve many contradictions: between the social need of the individual in education and the economy in qualified personnel and the insufficient level of training of personnel for work; between the quality of General education and vocational training in educational institutions and the increased level of requirements for qualification of personnel, their ability to self-education; between the individual's need for a variety of educational opportunities in the educational system and the limited freedom of educational institutions in providing a wide range of educational and developmental programs.

Ganicheva (2014) considered diversification as ‘the innovative structuring of the education system, providing the possibility of variability of educational services and programs, types and forms of educational institutions’. The result of diversification of the educational system is the formation of a humanistic personality, prepared to complete professional activities, having developed cognitive demands and spiritual needs, and their ability to meet. The objectives of the diversification of professional education are sustainable development of the system of continuous education, establishment of educational space within the framework of that system and flexible forms of its organization, able to work proactively on the development of professional competencies of specialists (Lebedeva, 2017).

Diversification as a condition of teacher training in the new environment is a multifunctional phenomenon. It compensates for the existing shortcomings of the educational system, complements and improves it in the context of lifelong learning. Along with socio-pedagogical and managerial functions, diversification also serves as the formation of corporate culture not only in high school, but also in educational institutions that prepare bachelors and masters. Diversification is aimed at the formation of innovative potential for the development of individuality, as well as special competitive qualities of educational institutions (preschool children's organization, school, gymnasium, lyceum) in the market of educational services. The educational paradigm is rapidly changing: the teacher is becoming more and more qualified not only as a teacher-researcher, but also as a psychologist, engineer, and inventor (Kalimullin & Gabdulkhakov, 2013).

A modern teacher is a person with broad general and special knowledge, able to react quickly to changes in technology and science, and to corresponding requirements, which will inevitably be introduced. Teachers need basic knowledge, problematic, analytical thinking, social and psychological competence, intellectual culture.

Problem Statement

Bondarevskaya (2000) and Gukalenko (2005) developed the principles of migrant pedagogy. They believe that a special multicultural environment should be created in the modern school with migrant children. The child should feel valued and respected in such an environment. The environment should aim at humanization of relations between people, support and protection, cultural identification of each person. It should help to return of education to the context of culture and its regionalization, introduce children to culture through education.

Teachers working with migrant children were required to be creative and masterful in teaching and to enhance their educational culture. As an educational institution, the school should focus its efforts on educating society and intercultural communication. Scientists believe that the school curriculum should include systematic teaching of the student's native language, as well as activities related to the introduction of its national culture; the school should ensure true bilingualism and biculturalism, through which equal development of languages and harmony of both cultures is achieved (Bondarevskaya,2000; Gukalenko, 2005).

Lysov (2013) considered problems of creation of educational and production innovative complexes of continuous education in the Russian regions. The author revealed the advantages and potential of those complexes as a factor of sustainable development of the university, innovative entrepreneurship and the region as a whole and proposed to use social partnership as a basis of interaction of subjects of the complex.

Snopkova and Prokofieva (2010) revealed the specifics of the activity, system, mentally active, environmental and competency-based approaches as the original, comprehensive rules specifying the substantive and procedural integrity of the development of higher pedagogical education in modern sociocultural conditions. The authors substantiated the idea of the need for a variety of versions of the content of pedagogical education and technology of its development. The problem of diversification is challenged by the reform of the higher school of the Republic of Belarus, transformation and modernization of teacher education, development of new educational standards, software and methodological support of the educational process.

Kalimullin and Gabdulkhakov (2013) developed a personalized model of teacher training at Kazan Federal University. Undergraduate students deepen their subject knowledge (some in mathematics and physics, others in chemistry and biology), and graduate students can choose whether to be an engineer, researcher, scientist (means to deepen their knowledge further), or to be a teacher (means to master psychology, pedagogy, teaching methodology of the chosen discipline). The personalized approach allowed to identify the indicators and determinants of pedagogical skills.

Some researchers believe that the innovative development processes require highly qualified personnel not only for the creating and implementating but also for working with new technologies (Shaydullina, Masalimova, Vlasova, Lisitsyna, Korganova & Tsehanovich, 2014).

Kamalova and Zakirova (2017) developed the method of integrative teaching of the Russian language to migrant children, which involves inclusion of a migrant child to the schooling system provided in the Russian language and simultaneous work on improving language competence of foreign students in the Russian language courses. The content of extra classes should vary depending on the stage of training and the degree of proficiency in Russian. This technique promotes rapid linguistic adaptation of a migrant child in a foreign language environment and allows to enter into the culture and socio-cultural environment of the receiving country.

Pozdeeva (2018) analyzed the work of the teacher and student in the framework of the program ‘Development of open collaboration in primary school’. The work was devoted to the problem of professional development of teachers in the context of the implementation of the Federal educational standard for primary and secondary education. The specificity of this study was to determine the management actions that form the professional competence in pedagogical activity.

Despite the large number of scientific, theoretical and methodological studies on the problem of teacher training working with migrant children, there are still no relevant developments on the models of professional activities of teachers with migrant students in modern multicultural primary school.

Khairutdinov, Amal, Faizullina, Saglam and Bella (2017) describe how to meet cultural and educational needs, how to increase adaptive capacity and develop individuality of migrant students-representatives of different ethnic societies. The article reveals the specifics, goals, functions, content of education and training of migrant children. The authors provide guidance on the identification of possible difficulties that might be faced by the teacher in the process of multicultural education, and effective ways to overcome them.

Cincera, Biberhofer, Binka, Boman, Mindt and Rieckmann (2018) developed a curriculum on entrepreneurship, focused on sustainable development in the learning process. The researchers presented an analysis of the process of social learning that occurred in the interdisciplinary intercultural group CASE in the process of participation in the program of the new graduate. The authors conclude that it is important to share and process experience, mental models and interpretations concerning concepts, ideas, perspectives in order to combine a variety of knowledge for innovative solutions and ideas, as well as to cooperate effectively in the team.

Scientists Sianturi, Chiang and Hurit (2018) investigated perception of the curriculum by teachers and students of indigenous peoples of Indonesia. They came to the conclusion that in order to effectively teach indigenous students indigenous teachers should: focus on curriculum; introduce students into another culture from the very first day; use dialogues, pictures, stories, writing and storytelling; use cultural approach, which allows students to receive education. Developing and implementing the curriculum of the PBE, the teacher of indigenous peoples has also received a new perspective on culture.

Louws, Meirink, Veen and Driel (2017) emphasized that the structural working conditions of schoolchildren (e.g. learning resources and professional development policy) and cultural conditions of workplace (e.g. school management, teachers’ cooperation culture) affect teachers’ learning. The content of teachers’ learning goals is related to their perception of a common vision and professional dialogue in their schools and is due to individual problems associated with the audience. Furthermore, the perception of the cultural environment in the workplace by teachers and supporting methods of leadership, apparently, are more important factors for self-training of teachers than their perception of structural conditions.

The research of Italian scientists is devoted to the influence of modern digital technologies on the quality of students’ education. Modern digital technologies can be a powerful tool for building a culture of dialogue that supports ‘culturally responsive’ learning in creative multicultural learning environments. Students can develop global competences; learn more about others and their own culture as part of their personal development. Our article presents the experience of Rete Dialogues networks, network of Italian public schools that have created a professional learning community and adopted the international project Generation Global. Such technologies as videoconferences and online communities allowed students and their teachers to meet peers from different cultures (Barzano, Cortiana, Jamison & Raffio, 2017).

The results of the research conducted by Titarenko and Little (2017) confirmed the effectiveness of individual pedagogical approaches and asynchronous communication technologies in the international online class. Their effectiveness was demonstrated through the feedback of students and the evaluation of the class. The findings show that an international online classroom can really help students learn intercultural communication from their own experience and gain knowledge useful for future jobs in the global marketplace. In higher education online distance learning is useful for large classes, distributed between different campuses and universities, or for teaching students abroad.

Turalbayeva et al. (2017) reviewed modern education trends, analyzed the problems of teacher training and factors affecting the process of teacher training in Kazakhstan. Today in the rapidly developing technological society there is a growing demand for highly qualified and professionally qualified specialists. Teachers should have relatively good competence in creating lesson plans, as their lesson plans are based on standard competencies and identified indicators.

Research Questions

The following research question is at the core of this study:

What are necessary socio-pedagogical and methodological conditions for the professional activities of teachers working with migrant children in modern primary school?

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to diversify the models of professional activity of teachers working with migrant students in modern primary school. Theoretical (theoretical analysis of pedagogical, psychological, scientific and methodical literature on the subject of research), empirical (analysis, comparison, generalization, choice of content, observation, questionnaire), pedagogical experiment (stating, forming and control stages of the experiment), method of experts’ evaluations, statistical processing of quantitative research results were used in the study.

The models of professional activity of teachers with migrant children in the modern school are developed: a) a model in which the teacher is a native speaker of the migrant children, b) the model in which the teacher is the representative of culture of the host country) model in which the teacher is not a native speaker of the child migrant, g) model in which the teacher is not the representative of the culture of the host country, d) the model based on children's collaboration and participatory dialogue in the process of children's interaction with each other. The research also identifies the content of educational activities of teachers in each of the five presented models.

In the theory and practice of modern education, there are several approaches to the organization of education of migrant children. Special schools or classes for migrants with children of different nationalities (national school) have been established in foreign countries and in Russia. There is another approach that allows combining Russian-speaking children and children migrants studying together under the same educational program in the same school or classroom. Scholars have not come to an agreement as for the methods that should be used in teaching foreign children the Russian language – the methodology of the Russian language as a foreign language or the methodology of the Russian language as a nonnative language. The next controversial issue is how to organize the study of the Russian language by a migrant child – only at the Russian language lessons or to create special courses and additional extracurricular activities for migrant children.

Research Methods

The following features constitute the methodological basis of our model: a systematic approach to the organization of vocational training on the basis of the restructuring of the content and optimization of teaching methods, taking into account the processes of continuity and integration; integrity of vocational training, which is achieved through the interaction of its main components on the basis of the principle of integration with other principles of training and education, motivation of teaching and work; independence of the individual in the choice and construction of training in accordance with their capabilities and abilities, the needs of the labor market; restructuring of the system components (goals and objectives, content, means and methods of training, teachers and students’ activities) on the basis of a program-target approach, taking into account the future professional activity of the graduate; orientation to the continuous holistic development of students and learners as active subjects of education and social action.


The model in which the teacher is a native speaker of the migrant child’s language: university – distance learning center – bilingual school (online-modular partnership).

Goals: development of the system of remote training of educators, based on the functioning of information and educational bilingual environment; training of teachers to work with migrant children in the form of distance learning.

Objectives: providing distance learning services in the system of advanced training of education professionals through the use of distance learning technologies in the implementation of educational programs; scientific and methodological support of development and implementation of webinars and new programs of remote training.

Content: the learning process creates conditions for communicative and psychological adaptation to a new culture and a new language, different from the Russian language and culture, and to overcome in the future the psychological barrier when using a foreign language as a means of communication through: 1) representation of a foreign language as a key to a new culture; 2) acquisition of social experience by broadening the range of situations of communicative training (bilingual/bicultural education courses), development of ideas about the similarities and the peculiarities of communication in the Russian language and a foreign language; 3) development of bilingual/bicultural communicative skills in five kinds of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing and translating) with regard to the institutional and personal needs; 4) formation of universal and specific language/cultural concepts in the Russian language and a foreign language. Development of thinking in bilingual/bicultural education involves equal or almost equal use of the Russian language and a foreign language in the process of communication (parity model), which implies presence of the formed skill of switching from one language to another.

Methodology: modular multifunctional games for students, use of a library, online training of students in subjects, online testing of teachers and students.

Results: development of information and educational portal for teachers to support distance learning when working with migrant children; improvement of the professional competence of teachers in the field of remote educational technologies in practice; organizational and methodological support of webinar technology; improvement and development of technologies and methods of distance learning based on the use of video lectures in the educational process; ensuring continuous consultation of specialists of the educational system on the use of distance learning technologies in the educational process; ensuring functioning and development of information and educational environment on the Moodle platform; development of e-learning resources and teaching materials on electronic devices; development of the electronic Depository (portal) of the final works of course participants (lesson plans, computer presentations, graduation projects, etc.).

Risks: the biggest problem of teaching staff is lack of modern practical knowledge and experience, lack of young specialists, isolation of teaching from the modern labor market, lack of scientific exchange between teachers and the scientific community. ‘Advanced’ employers send their specialists for teaching in educational institutions, train teachers in their own schools, organize special internships for them. There are serious differences in the quality of training of specialists in different educational institutions. An increased demand for university diplomas contributes to the expansion of the supply of relevant services, which results in a decreasing quality and leads to the devaluation of higher education diplomas in Russia. Reduction of the economic impact of education will require both updating of the educational standards and strengthening of external quality control of training of university graduates.

Unlike other models, distance learning center is an educational, methodical, experimental and predictive resource that identifies the needs of innovative development of the educational system. Scientific and practical activity of the center is connected with the solution of the problem of introduction of distance educational bilingual technologies into practice of educational organizations in the course of which bilingual competence is formed. Bilingual/bicultural competence is the ability of the learner to communicate in two languages, in the context of two cultures, switching from one language/cultural code to another, showing sensibility to differences in two cultures. These concepts make it possible to identify educational results of the basic bilingual/bicultural competence, including synthesizing language, subject and communicative and cultural components, determining the parity nature of the whole model. Its content can be represented by units of different levels and complexity; characteristic features are various combinations of the Russian language and a foreign language at different stages of training, as well as a combination of general-didactic, private-method and special methods of bilingual/bicultural education.

Methodical recommendations: The main purpose of teacher training is to prepare specialists to use a foreign language in professional and personal activities. The first stage begins with a corrective sub-step, which is the repetition and consolidation of bilingual/bicultural knowledge acquired by students in secondary school, which is the basis for the transition to the university course of a foreign language. The second stage is focused on the achievement of practical, educational, developmental and educational goals, as work continues on the development and improvement of bilingual skills and speaking skills, as well as on the deepening of bicultural knowledge. It is recommended to gradually increase professional and business orientation of education.

The model in which the teacher is the representative of culture of the host country: university – a scientific and educational center of intercultural communication – ethno-school (intercultural partnership).

Goals: development of global consciousness and intercultural dialogue, as well as coordination of research in the field of educational professional activity in order to expand international cooperation through conferences and seminars, attracting outstanding scientists, researchers and experts to discuss international educational problems and improve professional competence of teachers.

Objectives: internationalization of the educational process with the involvement of professors and postgraduate students and deepening of University relations abroad through the establishment of partnerships of academic and business relations; development of international research; publication of research results and analysis, development of practical recommendations on issues related to educational institutions, business community, NGOs and the media.

Content: carrying out scientific and theoretical linguistic research in the field of pedagogy; introduction into the educational process of educational programs of innovative type aimed at training teachers; development and implementation of new forms and methods of teaching communicative tasks in the professional field; improving students’ motivation to study through participation in research and practical innovative projects; creation of the program and guidelines for the practice of professional-oriented communication; organization and management of professional practice in educational centers of the Russian Federation; creation of didactic electronic and video materials focused on the use of mobile communication means of education; establishment of partnerships with foreign educational institutions for student and knowledge exchange.

Methodology: the use of educational and training online games, online conferences, online training of students and teachers.

Results: the program ‘Intercultural literacy seminars’ is aimed at studying the peculiarities of communication between representatives of different nationalities and different states. As part of the seminars, teachers have the opportunity to interact with foreign guests and gain experience in intercultural communication and dialogue between teachers from different countries.

Risks: the risk factor quite often arises in the process of non-verbal communication; its components are kinesics, features of tactile behavior, proximity and prosodic. Kinesics traditionally includes a set of gestures, postures, movements. There is a number of ethnocultural colored kinetic behavior features. Tactile behavior is related to body contact between communicants. Situations where touch is possible, the degree and nature of touches themselves in the cultures of different peoples may have significant differences. Proximity closely adjoins to tactile behavior when the evaluation of space and time around occurs. Trespass of both sides, which arise under the influence of national and cultural stereotypes, often takes the role of communicative inhibitor.

Difference from other models: development and testing of a project to train highly qualified specialists in intercultural communication.

Model in which the teacher is not a native speaker of the migrant's child's language: university – linguistic center – school with advanced study of languages (language partnership).

Goals: language training for teachers working with migrant students at all levels of language proficiency – those who do not know the language of the migrant's child, and those who want to strengthen their knowledge, and those who want to improve language skills to the level of a native speaker.

Objectives: training of foreign languages teachers; advanced training of teachers who do not speak foreign languages.

Content: retraining programs for specialists and senior students with a diploma giving the right to conduct professional activity in the new field; language courses for everyone who wants to study foreign languages: English, German, French, Turkish, Russian language programs as a foreign language (for foreign citizens); general education programs for students, high school students to master computer design, pedagogical skills; professional development programs for teachers and other social groups with higher education degree.

Methods: audiovisual means of education, online education of migrant children in all subjects, game technologies; summer language camps for teachers, online language training for teachers, webinars, seminars, conferences on the problems of teaching migrants.

Results: proficiency in a foreign language (the language of the migrant child) in full; the possibility of integration into the global educational system; improving the level of professional competence of the teacher; the possibility of creating innovative educational materials in this area.

Risks: in rapidly developing industries with a large number of economic entities (information technology, construction, trade, real estate services, etc.), there is a great demand for graduates, but a relatively small number of companies does not allow them to work closely with educational institutions and train personnel for themselves. These industries need a kind of mediator who would be able to formulate general requirements for training graduates and establish cooperation with specialized educational institutions. Industries that are at the stage of stagnation or unstable growth (chemistry, instrumentation, many sectors of mechanical engineering) are characterized by moderate demand for graduates. Interaction with educational institutions among the majority of employers in these sectors is reduced to the admission of students for internships. Educational institutions focused on these sectors, cannot imagine university requirements and general market demand for specialists today. Many of the graduates have to adjust their skills and work in other areas.

Difference from other models: the linguistic center is a structural subdivision of the university. There is a free determination of the current level of foreign language proficiency. Classes are conducted both by local experts of the international class, and teachers from the USA and Great Britain. They use modern methods and benefits of the best British publishers (Oxford, Cambridge, Longman). The audiences of the center are equipped with multimedia equipment.

Model in which the teacher is not the representative of the culture of the host country: university – school – museum (social and cultural partnership).

Goals: development of cultural competence of teachers; study of culture, traditions, art, religions of migrant children; development of linguistic competence on the basis of dialogue of cultures.

Objectives: to deepen knowledge about the culture of the country of migrant students; to increase the level of cultural competence of teachers working with migrant children (development of communicative competence of teachers).

Content: educational space ‘university – school – museum’ focused on the development of professional readiness of the student, future primary school teacher, to work with students in the conditions of the art museum. Art Museum is an environment for the development of students’ aesthetic skills, familiarizing them with artistic work of the national and regional culture. School enriches the pedagogical process in the museums with methodological knowledge and experience; higher educational institutions provide students with the system of artistic and pedagogical knowledge which is presented in the course ‘Theory and methods of cultural competence’ aimed at awakening motivation and formation of professional readiness of teachers to work with migrant students. A university student and a teacher who acquire psychological and pedagogical knowledge and experience of working with children are in the center of the educational space.

The principles of socio-cultural partnership are integration, diversification, complementarity. Thus, social and cultural partnership is defined by the system of mutually beneficial, cultural and social relations inherent in the modern democratic society, civil forms of public participation in the management of children's education.

Methods: the main methods of training are stories, tours, conversations, dialogues, discussions between students and museum staff, artists, teachers; reproductive methods (study tasks, including analysis of the artwork); research and heuristic methods (independent methodological work of students, projects, games including plot-role-playing games).

Results: the proposed system of lectures, practical and creative tasks, implemented in the course of specially organized, targeted educational activities, requires students to regularly work on the development of their own artistic perception, professional development in the system of ‘university – school – museum’. Practical orientation of classes, dialogues between the participants help teachers to acquire psychological and pedagogical knowledge and the ability to create a trusting atmosphere and lively conversations between the participants of the educational process. The experience of using active methods and techniques of teaching in the development of artistic perception among schoolchildren, creation of pedagogical projects with museums helps teachers to organize their work with migrant children.

Risks: formation of the ‘university – museum – school’ system is a new stage in the work of each of these institutions. It will require not only strengthening of contacts between them and the governing bodies, it will be necessary to develop other, to a large extent, new areas of activity both in the field of disciplines and in the methods of museum work, the ability to test diverse forms of collaboration, experimental programs and recommend them for a wide use in joint practical activities for schools and museums of different profiles.

Difference from other models: the system helps students to get familiar with universal values, enrich personal experience, develop spiritual and moral qualities, create new joint programs and projects that are easily integrated into the curriculum and implemented outside the school or university, e.g. in the museum, urban, virtual space.

Model based on children's cooperation, involving an active dialogue in the process of interaction of children with each other: university – center for creative development of children - high school.

Purpose: to create conditions for self-realization of creative potential of primary school children, to create a special educational environment that will promote the development of creative abilities, communication skills, language competence, self-affirmation of the individual in educational and extracurricular theatrical activities, education leadership and spiritual and moral qualities of the individual.

Objectives: introduction of children to the national and foreign theatrical culture, drama and literature, Russian and global cultural heritage; development of a harmonious personality on the traditional cultural and moral values of the country; fostering family values in the minds of the younger generation; the development of creativeness and involvement of children into creative activities; the promotion of theatrical art among children; identification and assistance in the disclosure of creative individuality of gifted children, adolescents; promotion of methods of education and development of children and adolescents by means of theatrical art.

Content: training students on the basis of the pedagogy of cooperation, preparation and presentation of performances, organization of tours, performances, festivals and competitions.

Difference from other models: the center for creative development of children provides conditions for the development of interest in arts in the context of cultural and aesthetic education of schoolchildren. Development of creativity of primary school children occurs if it is done in a complex of training and education, during extracurricular activities when children actively enter the world of the art environment, esthetic experiences, independent search of original decisions of objectives set for them. In this regard, there is a need for targeted organization of leisure activities of children on the basis of active interaction of children with each other, revision of its content, forms and means that contribute to the purposeful development of their creative potential.


Diversification and an analysis of the changes taking place in the Russian higher education system in recent years allow to identify two main directions of this process. The first is determined by the orientation to the three-stage model of university education; the second – by the creation of new types of educational institutions seeking to fill empty niches in a rigidly organized and centralized system of education based on the monopoly of the state (Simonenko & Retivykh, 2003). Nowadays the first direction is predominant. Modernization of university education is recognized as a priority. Many educational institutions (technical, pedagogical, medical, etc.) are transformed into universities. The movement in this direction points at a number of contradictions, which are based on the fundamental discrepancy between the traditional Soviet models of higher education. They are multiplicity, poor orientation to self-education, orientation to the average student, authoritarianism of teaching, specialization, forms and content of education, lack of differentiation, uniformity of educational structures. Generally accepted model of higher education in the developed countries of the West is characterized by very different features: high selectivity in the transition from the lower to the higher level and greater variability in the choice of specialization; flexible specialization and availability of various diplomas at one stage of education; organizational validity of the stages, diversity, forms of education, wide development of various forms of post-secondary (higher) education corresponding formally to the first stage of higher education (Simonenko & Retivykh, 2003).

New types of higher education institutions of non-university type are being created in a number of developed countries: two-year technological institutes in France, higher vocational schools in Germany, community and technical colleges in the United States, various types of colleges in the UK. These are mobile, dynamically developing educational institutions. In Russia there are also educational complexes and structures of a new type.

Multilevel education system is one of the perspective means of conscious management of education reforms. By a reasonable adaptation to the Russian context, it is able to overcome many of the fundamental difficulties that national education faces. The main advantages of the multilevel structure of higher education are the following: implementation of a new paradigm of education, which is fundamental, holistic and focused on the personality of the student; significant diversification and response to the situation of the intellectual labor market; improving the education of graduates prepared for ‘education through life’ in contrast to ‘education for life’; freedom to choose the ‘learning path’ and the absence of a deadlock in the educational situation; the possibility of effective integration with secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions; stimulating significant differentiation of secondary education; opportunities for postgraduate education; the possibility of integration into the world educational system (Lysov, 2013).

For Russia, model of a multilevel education system, already established in England and the USA, is of a great interest, although it cannot be implemented completely due to the lack of necessary conditions (Kalimullin & Gabdulkhakov, 2013).

Ganicheva (2014) points out at the diversification of secondary education. The information received by the student at the university quickly becomes outdated. In some cases, the traditional content of professional pedagogical education does not always adequately reflect the reality in which the future specialist will perform their professional duties. The labor market dictates new requirements for the training of specialists who can quickly and successfully adapt to a difficult situation and make right decisions. A scientist makes a conclusion about the interdependence of the needs of the market and the quality of training (Ganicheva, 2014).

The main objective and purpose of the education system is the formation of human intellectual potential, which meets modern requirements, and contributes to the socio-economic development of the country. The education system should ensure that highly professional education is available so that professionals can compete in the labour market. There should be no restrictions for citizens in obtaining education, regardless of their nationality, socio-economic status, religious, philosophical and other views and beliefs. There must be no corruption in the education system, as it fosters the unwillingness to work and develops irresponsibility. We need to have a well-educated and in-demand specialist in the labour market who is also a citizen of high moral qualities.

Kalimullin and Gabdulkhakov (2013) defined the technology of a personified type as the algorithm of reflexive activity of two subjects of the educational process (teacher and student). The algorithm is aimed at improving the level of knowledge, the development of procedural (intellectual, mental, communicative) qualities of the student’s personality, activation of creative independence. The algorithm includes a problem lecture that activates the discussion of the problem affecting the personal educational and professional interests of students. The lecture provokes students to discuss and helps to outline individual routes of independent and project activities aimed at solving a stated problem. The algorithm includes seminars, workshops, consultations, which record personal achievements of the student. The algorithm ends with a discussion conference, which presents the results of each student’s project.

Russian scientists have identified features of the model of integration of education, science and production in the system of continuing professional education. They disclosed features, advantages and major landmarks such as models of integration of education, science and production, as colleges – enterprise, university – enterprise, university – research institute – enterprise, university – enterprise – research institute, college – university – enterprise, and their components were installed in the productive integrated environment (Shaydullina, Masalimova, Vlasova, Lisitsyna, Korzhanova &Tsehanovich, 2014).


Diversification is a principle of organization of the educational system in the conditions of democracy and the market which allows a variety, versatility and variability of development of educational institutions and their governing institutions. Thus, increase of complexity of internal infrastructure of system of education due to emergence of new types of educational institutions, penetration of one forms of education in others, associations of various types and forms of education which were not connected earlier among themselves; expansion of the sphere of activity of educational institutions, diversity of the content of educational programs, freedom to use educational technologies, spread of influence on various spheres of life of society (Bezrukov, 2000).

We have developed 5 models of diversification of professional activity of teachers with migrant children in modern multicultural primary school, aimed at the development of linguistic, communicative, linguistic, cultural competence of teachers working in different educational conditions with migrant children. The research results can be useful for teachers of higher educational institutions. They can use this method of diversification of models of teaching activities with migrant children.


The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.


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05 September 2018

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Future Academy



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Teacher training, teacher, teaching skills, teaching techniques

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Kamalova, L. A., Zakirova, V. G., & Putulyan, N. S. (2018). Diversification Of Models Of Migrant Childrens Education In Modern School. In R. Valeeva (Ed.), Teacher Education - IFTE 2018, vol 45. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 463-476). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2018.09.53