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Developing Teachers’ Ability To Support Students With Troubled Behavior And Health Limitations

Table 1:

Levels Components of special professional competence
Theoretical Psychological Methodical
1 2 3 4
High Availability of fundamental knowledge in the field of troubled behavior etiology in children and adolescents with disabilities; knowledge of mechanisms and classification of types of troubled behavior Availability of a positive psychological attitude towards interaction with disabled students with troubled behavior; personality qualities formation: approval of a child; tolerance, empathy, reflexivity, focus on self-development Mastering a wide range of diagnostics and design of a psychologically comfortable educational environment, information and communication technologies aimed to prevent negative manifestations among students with troubled behavior and limited health opportunities; the ability to create individual programs of psychological-pedagogical support for disabled students with troubled behavior
Average Knowledge in the field of troubled behavior etiology in children and adolescents with disabilities is not systematized and compartmentalized; difficulties in understanding troubled behavior mechanisms in children and adolescents with disabilities; fragmentary awareness in the classification of types of troubled behavior Establishing interaction with students with troubled behavior and limited health opportunities is not clearly expressed; child acceptance, tolerance, empathy, reflexivity, focus on self-development are not systematically manifested Knowledge of information and communication technologies aimed to prevent negative manifestations among students with troubled behavior and limited health opportunities; difficulties in creating individual programs of psychological-pedagogical support for students with troubled behavior and limited health opportunities
Low Sketchy knowledge in the field of etiology and mechanisms of troubled behavior in children and adolescents with disabilities; lack of knowledge of troubled behavior types classification Lack of desire to interact with students with troubled behavior and limited health opportunities; critical attitude to the perspective of psychological-pedagogical support for students with troubled behavior and limited health opportunities Insufficient knowledge of information and communication technologies aimed to prevent negative manifestations among students with troubled behavior and limited health opportunities; lack of skills to create individual programs of psychological-pedagogical support for students with troubled behavior and limited health opportunities
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