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Exploring The Perception Of Earned Value Analysis For The Malaysian Construction Industry

Table 4:

No. EVA Barriers Not suitable for your organization Current control system works, no need to change Not cost effective to implement Lack of EVA knowledge, expertise and experience High cost and time commitment Too many rules and requirements to learn and implement Lack of computer and software infrastructure
Not suitable for your organization 1.000 .078 .465** .151 .211 .071 .268
Current control system works, no need to change .078 1.000 .135 .198 .114 -.140 .150
Not cost effective to implement .465** .135 1.000 .438* .119 -.091 .259
Lack of EVA knowledge, expertise and experience .151 .198 .438* 1.000 .164 -.132 -.080
High cost and time commitment .211 .114 .119 .164 1.000 .358 -.229
Too many rules and requirements to learn and implement .071 -.140 -.091 -.132 .358 1.000 .053
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