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Scouting Influence Upon The Young Pupil’s Integration Within Formal Educational Contexts

Table 7:

Location: Syndicate House
Date/ Duration: March 24th 2015 90 min.
Description of the meeting:
- purpose Poems composition with the theme „My town”.
- instructive-educative objectives To evaluate last week's activity, Quest in the city.Each patrol to make up a poem with the theme „My town”.To recite to composed poems.
- activities / duration Hippodrome – gameEvaluation of the activity Quest in the cityComposition of poems with the theme „My town”. Reciting of poems and their evaluationAttendance 10 min.25 min.35 min.10 min.10 min.
- curricular resources „the meeting cubs”, white papers for the flipchart, marker, white sheets of paper, pencils
- description of the meeting The activity will begin with the cubs and the scouting greeting. 1. We will play Hippodrome, a game that the children have already played with the Daring, and which they love. Everybody will sit in a circle, and the leader suggests to the cubs to participate to a racehorse and he/she presents the objectives they have to attain: right turn, left turn (the cubs go to the indicated direction), jump, double jump, triple (the cubs say hop, hop-hop, hop-hop-hop according to the given order), thorn pit (the cubs cry out Ouch, ouch, ouch!), water pit (the cubs hold their noses and say bla-bla-bla while imitating a dive), the official tribune (the cubs salute with their head up straight), the men's choir (the cubs say Oooo with a deep voice, beating their chest), the women's choir (the cubs cry Aaaaaa like hysteric women and raise their hands above their heads), the photographers' group (the cubs imitate the photographers and say Pac-Pac), and at the end there is a moment of maximum happiness. (The National Organisation „Romania's Scouts”, 2012 – The cub, friend with everybody. Guide – The Project of the francophone cubs, p.16) The game will repeat this time by replacing the game horses with the monkeys that are following Mowgli, and the leader introduces elements specific to the symbolic frame. 2. After the game, the children will sit in a semicircle and will analyse the activity from March 17th - Quest in the city. They will identify the positive and negative aspects of the activity and will make suggestions for the future meetings. 3. The quest from the city gave the children the opportunity to find out more about Tîrgu Mureș, so the leader will ask them to make, on patrols, a poem with the theme „My city”. The poems are one of Chill's requests, so the leader will take the commitment to send these poems to the eagle.4. After the poems have been finalised, each patrol will assign a spokesperson to recite the poem in front of the semicircle. The poems are appreciated with applause, and the one that is considered the best will receive scouting applause. 5. The activity will end with the attendance and diving of the „meeting cubs”.
Special considerations Each patrol will be supported by a volunteer or by an explorer.
Meeting responsible Oana Moldovan
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