Topics |
Dimensions |
No of items |
Teachers' attitudes towards the implications and contributions of parental involvement |
Effect of PI on teachers' sense of self-efficacy |
4 |
16 |
Effect of PI on school and other pupils who do not have SN |
4 |
Effect of PI on the level of investment and training teachers need |
4 |
Effect of PI on pupils with SN in different areas |
4 |
Teachers' attitudes towards parental involvement and communications |
Type of information passed from school to parents and vice versa |
2 |
8 |
Communication frequency and sequence between school and parents and vice versa |
3 |
Professional language clarity in dialogue with parents |
3 |
Teachers' attitudes towards parental involvement in decision-making |
Taking decisions with regard to choosing the type of education framework in which SN pupils will learn |
3 |
9 |
Taking decisions with regard to building individualized education program for SN pupils |
6 |