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The Contribution Of Independent Activities In The Pedagogy Study At High School

Table 1:

ANALYSE! Use the method SINELG (The Interactive Scoring System for Streamlining Lecture and Thinking)!This method promotes your active implication and monitoring your own understanding and presumes running over the following stages:1. Before starting the text reading, note down all you know about the theme/that problem, no matter if it is correct or not. 2. Read the text carefully and note down on the edge (or in a table) marks, with the following meanings: - “√” - for the known information, for the fragments which confirms what you know; - “+” - for the new information, unknown and plausible which you found out; - “-“ - for the information which is in contradiction with what you know, which disaffirms what you know; - “?” - for the information which requires research, because those fragments contain un clarity, confusions, rises questions. 3. Reflect together with your colleges! 4. If you have questions, ask the teacher’s help! 5. Make an idea inventory and present it to your colleges! PRACTICE!Identify the key concepts!Make a conceptual map/ cognitive organizer, where to point out (inter) relations and (inter) determinations between them. By using the pedagogic practice attainments, present the importance of teacher behaviors for educative activity with the children group/students class. Make an essay with the theme “Teacher’s behaviors in educative activity with the children group/ students class”.
REFLECT AND SELF EVALUATE! Use the 3-2-1 technique! (adapt after Oprea, 2006, p. 268) Mention:3 terms (concepts) from what you have learned;2 ideas of which you would like to learn;1 capacity, perception or ability which you obtained at the end of the activity.
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