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Paradigm Of Mediating Effect, Novelty-Seeking Tendencies In Tourists’ Visit And Revisitation

Table 6:

Paths Path coefficient Remarks
Correlation t-statistics
Direct Effects (Hypothesized Paths)
Hypothesis 1: PV ----------> SA 0.524* 10.073 Supported
Hypothesis 2: PV ------------> RI 0.114 1.537 Not Supported
Hypothesis 3: PV ------------> NT 0.328* 4.899 Supported
Hypothesis 4: DI ------------> SA 0.292* 5.570 Supported
Hypothesis 5: DI ------------> RI 0.110 1.519 Not Supported
Hypothesis 6: DI ------------> NT 0.264* 4.592 Supported
Hypothesis 7: SA ------------> RI 0.394* 4.908 Supported
Hypothesis 8: SA ------------>NT 0.234* 3.383 Supported
Hypothesis 9: NT ------------>RI 0.214* 3.005 Supported
Mediating (Indirect) Effects
Hypothesis 10a: PV ----> SA -----> NT-----> RI 0.214* 3.005 Mediates
Hypothesis 10b: DI ----> SA -----> NT ----> RI 0.214* 3.005 Mediates
Hypothesis 10c: PV ----> NT -----> RI 0.214* 3.005 Mediates
Hypothesis 10d: DI ----> NT -----> RI 0.214* 3.005 Mediates
Hypothesis 10e: SA ----> NT -----> RI 0.214* 3.005 No mediation
Predictive Power (R2)
SA 0.567
NT 0.530
RI 0.529
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